Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Deepak Chopra: Only Spirituality can Solve the Problems of the World~

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~Deepak Chopra: Only Spirituality can Solve the Problems of the World~

2011 October 31
with Commentary from Steve Beckow

Deepak takes on the difficult task of addressing the wider audience on the importance of spirituality to the world. Thanks to Jeannie A.

Only Spirituality can Solve the Problems of the World

Deepak Chopra, Huffington Post, February 24, 2010


~Michael Moore: What I Did with 3 Million Dollars~

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Michael Moore: What I Did with 3 Million Dollars

2011 October 29
 orignial Posted by Steve Beckow~

From Michael Moore’s mailing list. Thanks to Janis.


Twenty-two years ago this coming Tuesday, I stood with a group of factory workers, students and the unemployed in the middle of the downtown of my birthplace, Flint, Michigan, to announce that the Hollywood studio, Warner Bros., had purchased the world rights to distribute my first movie, ‘Roger & Me.’ A reporter asked me, “How much did you sell it for?”

~USMC sniper vets ready to serve and protect the American people.~

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USMC sniper vets ready to serve and protect the American people.


U.S. Marine Corps vets who served as snipers in the 1st Gulf War, the Iraq War and the Afghan War are ready and willing to serve and protect the United States and its people from its domestic enemies.  USMC vet TG says, “There is no greater cause than to serve and protect the United States and my fellow Americans on U.S. soil.  I took an oath wherein I swore that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;Today, our enemy is on U.S. soil.  They are the CIA, the Federal Reserve Bankers, the DHS, FEMA and members of the United States government who have pledged their allegiance to a New World Order government and they are determined to destroy my country in favor of this foreign controlled New World Order governmentTo me that is a declaration of war against the United States and all Americans.”

~Excerpt from: King, Godfre Ray. "Unveiled Mysteries" Ascended Master Teachings T! ~

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~Beloved Saint Germain~


Excerpt from:
King, Godfre Ray. "Unveiled Mysteries"
Ascended Master Teachings T!



"The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection ...who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no fragment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing Beings of such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural.


~First Contact & the Integration Protocol~

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~First Contact & the Integration Protocol~

Greetings Brothers and Sisters.


I received the following message from my source, Alpha Ship 102.

First contact is a multidimensional event operating beyond levels of human comprehension. The Ashtar Command acts as 'guardian body' of this operation to ensure and uphold the Principle of Free Will for all individual Souls involved in the Harvest.

Initially there will be direct contact with certain groups and individuals by their Star Families. These Terran Eagles will act as wayshowers, teachers and mentors to their earthly Brothers and Sisters enabling open Federation interaction with society without causing 'shock and awe', or in any way provoking a negative reaction.

A Critical Mass: The Coincidences That Shape Our Lives Part 1 ~CELESTINE PROPHECY~

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A Critical Mass: The Coincidences That Shape Our Lives 11:07 AM





The Mystery Begins

In The Celestine Prophecy the main character has an unexpected meeting with an old friend jusst at the moment in his life when he is feeling disenchanted and thinking about changing directions.  Charlene, newly arrived from a trip to Peru, where an ancient Manuscript has been discovered, is able to shed some light on the cause of his restlessness.  Our character, who remains nameless, is introduced to the First Insight: becoming conscious of the coincidences working in his life.  Skeptical of the idea of a Manuscript explaining the secret of human existence, he is nevertheless intrigued by the mystery.  That night, after returning home, he has a ddream about the nature of coincidences and how they always involve the appearance of a person with information.  Buoyed by his inceasing interest, he books a flight to Peru.


The First Insight

~ Great Gate ~ Opening the Great Gate ~

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~GalacticLove Reporters _ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna~





~ Great Gate ~ Opening the Great Gate ~





~ * ~ The Masters have arrived to hold the portal open to the light of the Central Sun. The world is awake and watches as new light descends down through this portal to awaken, enlighten and bring happiness and joy to all the hearts in the world. The opening of the great gate has come to pass. The angels of the Fifth Sun return to bring forth the new light of the Central Sun that shines without ceasing. Let the Teachers of Light speak as they wish to bring to your consciousness understanding of your purpose, role and mission.


~There is No Need to Review, Relive or Blame the Past~

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~There is No Need to Review, Relive or Blame the Past~


Welcome to Brenda's Blog


Dear Ones,

So much is happening within your world – yet your joy is palpable. Those of you who have financial concerns or perhaps a loved one with issues, might find this paragraph difficult to comprehend. You might even be angry.

But your pain and fear is of the past. Even though your vision of joy has not yet appeared, you feel an inner joy – almost as a guilty pleasure. Let us explain what is or has happened to your being.


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