Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Seven Heaven~

Lia's picture

~Love Reporter Rita Papadopoulou~

~Seven Heaven~



Seven Doors Seven Heaven Seven Sisters Seven Floors Seven Days Did You Notice That This Number Is One Of The Most Important In The Whole Universe… The Seven Days…. Of The Creation The Seven Floors…Heaven Have You Heard The Expression I was Lifted Up To The Seventh Floor? The Seven Sisters… The Pleiades Our Galactic Friends From Different Planets Have United Their Knowledge And Kindness And Empowered Us With Their Unconditional Love To Help Mother Earth And Her Inhabitants To Raise Our Frequency The Seven Heaven The Layers That Are Upon Mother Earth The Seven Doors.. No Matter Which One You Choose All These Portals Are The Entrance Of Heaven The Key Which Will Open The Door Is The Unconditional Love You Must Be Filled With This Love Will Allow Your Self To Be Released Of The Ego You Will Be Able With This New Vibration To Raise Your Frequency Towards The …Light Filled With This New Energy You Will Enter The Heaven The Kingdom … Of Light

Love~Light Namaste'

~Ascension and Dimensional Shifts~

Lia's picture

~Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~



~Ascension and Dimensional Shifts~


Mother Earth Has A Consciousness of Her Own, And Is A Living Being As You And I! The Divine Plan of The Creator, Which We All Follow, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Calls For
Mother Earth To Ascend From 3D - 5D And Beyond! Humanity Must Be
Willing To Ascend, or Increase Vibration To Move With Mother Earth!
This Means Keeping Our Physical Bodies Intact And Gradually Reversing
The Aging Process Back To Age 30! Those Not Ready To Ascend Will
Incarnate Back Into The 3rd Dimension On Another Planet, or Be
Physically Transported To Other Planets! They Cannot Return To The
Higher Dimensional Earth When That Happens, For Earth Will Be Turning
Into A Star! Others Who Have Chosen To Stay On The Karmic Wheel of
Life And Death, Will Be Dying By Disease, Accidents, Natural Earth
Changes, or Sicknesses!


~9~8~11~Moments in Time ~ Gaia's Daughter of Truth

Lia's picture

Note: This is a different message than the one originally intended. Because of the permeating energies, which seem to be bringing a lot of you down (lowering your vibrations), We feel this will be more helpful for you at this time.


Your life is filled with moments in time. Some grand. Some small. And your life becomes what you make of all of these moments. You could even say that these moments define you in a way, as they can change you forever (in either "direction") in a split second.

For instance, you can witness the most touching, exquisite moment that stirs you deep inside. Still, what you do/decide after the experience is what defines you/your life: Do you allow that moment in, so that it changes you, changes your life and everything that this implies or do you let that moment completely fade away once it is passed, barely remembering how it felt?

~The Key to Being Ageless~

Lia's picture

~Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~



~The Key to Being Ageless~


The Appearance of Your Physical Body Is Determined By The Amount of Light Used In The Four Lower Bodies: The Mental, Emotional, Etheric And Physical Body!


The Emanation of Natural Light Through The Four Lower Bodies Is A Wall of Protection Against Aging!


Our Body Is Made of Atoms! When Electrons Move More Slowly In Their Respective Cells And Organs, They Attract Less Light From The Higher Planes, And Thus The Natural
Resistance of The Current of Life Diminishes!


~The 9/11 Victims Speak Through Matthew Ward~

Lia's picture

~The 9/11 Victims Speak Through Matthew Ward~

2011 September 6
by Steve Beckow

Five days after 9/11, Matthew Ward channeled a message reporting on the reception of the victims on the etheric plane and passing on a collective message from them.  I don’t think any action could better illustrate the value of crossborder communication than this one did.

Many more people than 3,000 died on 9/11.

The message was later reproduced as part of Matthew’s Message of Dec. 17, 2009.

~ Enlightened ~ Galactic Changes ~

Lia's picture


~Galactic Love Reporters~

_^ _ Rysa Perisanna

~ Enlightened ~ Galactic Changes ~

~ There is a brilliant light that will shine forth like a directed laser beam to split into the Earth's Third Dimension. It is called by some the Sword of Karma or Judgment and it brings a division between the Light and Dark. From First Source, the Prime Creator activates the energy of the Central Sun, upon the alignment between the Earth and the Galactic Center...Rysa





~ * ~ The call comes sooner than later. It comes BEFORE 2012. It comes for some now. It comes for others soon after.


~ All are called and all see but some hear and some see.


Matthew Ward: The Truth about 9/11

Lia's picture

Matthew Ward: The Truth about 9/11

by Steve Beckow

Matthew at age 17, the time of his transition

Written: Sept. 11, 2010

Over the years, Matthew Ward has kept us informed of what actually happened on 9/11, what the purpose of 9/11 was, who was responsible for planning and executing it, where their funding came from, what the likelihood of their success will be, and other matters which few other sources can tell us about with authority. Let’s review some of what he has said about 9/11.

Let’s begin then with Matthew’s recitation of what he says actually occurred on Sept. 11, 2oo1.

“I shall mention some of the facts of 9/11 that we in these stations of light know as truth and that can be verified by those among you who are considered experts in their fields.


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