Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~LOVE REPORTER Kate A. Spreckley~ ~Energy Report for June 2011~

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Wednesday, 1 June, 2011 

The guidance this month is to not take things too seriously!  The light-hearted and playful energy of Gemini brings a lighter aspect to our process of change and transformation.  If we are to make it through the next few months we must learn to ride the waves of change joyously and positively.  Deep inner transformation is the continuous theme and if we choose to hold a positive attitude during these often challenging times, we can maintain our humour, balance and sanity within our inner and outer realities.

~Akashic Records June 2011 message~What energy and experiences can we expect in June of 2011?~

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~What energy and experiences can we expect in June of 2011?~

~Akashic Records June 2011 message~

This is meant to be a very productive month. There is a strong forward motion that is not like a push or a shove. It is like a steady progression. The energy in the winter and spring has brought challenges. It has also brought a lot of support. This month you will feel that, instead of things going up and down and you trying to keep track of so much change, you will have a clearer sense of the direction that things are moving in.


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Coiled within you has been All That You Are. Waiting. Hiding, perhaps. Resting. Growing stronger and more powerful. This All That You Are is now ready, nearly ready, to begin to make its way upward and outward into the light. Thus begins The Rising.

You may think of this askundalini. Do you know it? Kundalini is the sleeping serpent that lies within you — your potential, your corporeal life force. Sri Ramana Maharshi said that the kundalini is the natural energy of the Self, the Self being the universal consciousness that lies within every human being. And that is so. The way to expose the kundalini is self-realization, knowledge of one's True Self, awakening of inner knowledge.

~~Love Reporter DL Zeta~ ~Steps to Navigating Summer 2011’s Celestial Portals~

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Summer 2011’s celestial portals kick off today with a new moon partial lunar eclipse in Gemini. Today’s celestial portal sets the stage for a sequence of summer openings that include a June 15 total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini, the June 21 Summer Solstice and the grand finale of the eclipse series – a partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 1.

~Power Path: New Moon~Eclipse Update June 1, 2011~

Lia's picture

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Wednesday, June 1 at 3:03 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This signifies the beginning of a window of change and opportunity. This new moon is accompanied by a partial solar eclipse and is the first of 3 eclipses; full lunar on the 15th and another partial solar on July 1. There will be more information about the significance of this time period in the June forecast but it is important to be aware now of the power of this new moon as it launches a potent time of change and realignment.

~CLARITY OF INTENTION FOR ASCENSION~ (to be written and spoken on the Summer Solstice)~

Lia's picture

(to be written and spoken on the Summer Solstice)

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well.

I share this with all of you, as it has clarified for many in my class, "Birthing The Heart ," their own clarity of intention for their personal ascension. And, it clearly calls forth many of the Great Masters to assist each. I suggest that this be done using the energy of the powerful Summer Solstice on June 21, 2011, an energy that when used consciously can take an idea or concept and spiral it into an action.


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