Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Angel Message 5~28~11~ THROUGH MICHAEL~

Lia's picture

Beloved Ones, Greetings once again from the celestial realms.

With the rapid process of ascension underway, some of you are feeling a bit lost or out of control, with so much occuring around, increases in energies, increases in the spates of departing souls from your physical plane, and many other daily circumstances around each and everyone of you.You beloved ones are indeed on a path to bring in this higher consciousness and energy for the upliftment of yourself, the planet and every particle around you. This higher energy is changing the much dominated masculine energy into a softer, feminine energy- it is the divine Godess energy. We ask you to embrace this energy into your entire beings, as it is much needed.

YES even you warrior types and deeply masculine beings need to learn to honour and accept the divine feminine inside of you. For it is the bringing back of the wholeness of your integral energy matrixes now and the expression and fullfilment of this feminine energy that brings magickal, nutruring, careing and intuitive abilities.


Lia's picture

~Facilitating Ascension~


Ashtar - May 17, 2011


"Well, Greetings Family!  It is so delightful that we are here again, even though we're running a bit late as you measure time, we've got a lot to talk about.  So we shall be humm, concise, as concise as we can be.  We want to first acknowledge that of course you all know that this week is Wesak, and we welcome the coming of the Buddha, and all of the Beloved Company, the Bringers of the Light.  And indeed the [Wesak] Valley is bright, and so is the World.  This Moon shines down upon all, and no matter what you may believe about the composition of the Moon, put it aside, and just enjoy the Light, because that energy that that Light radiates is real!


~Quinn: Disclosure is in Full Swing~ 5~27~11

Lia's picture


~Quinn: Disclosure is in Full Swing~

If you haven’t been paying attention to the hundreds of media outlets or you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so, then this blog post is a good place for you to get informed on the disclosure that is in full swing now.  So keep reading on…

Last year, I talked about disclosure coming soon, most likely by the end of 2010.  And this was a pretty firm date that no one thought would come without the truth coming out officially.  But as we all know, 2010 came and went like a fart in the wind (sorry, I love that analogy).  And here we are, halfway into 2011 without official disclosure.

~A DECREE OF DECLARATION~ w~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~

Lia's picture


~Decree of Declaration W~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~

~Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~The Date Given Below is the Date Father God and I will be allowed to take off our Soul Housings To Set The Energy In Motion for Humanity to Burn through their Soul Housing in preparation for Their Graduation~ AS DECREED BY MOTHER AND FATHER GOD AMON RA

Dear Ones,

The End of all Ceremonialism will come about when the Blue Sun God[FATHERGOD AND MOTHERGOD]  removes his~her mask and presents himself~herself for all of the Worlds people to see. For a while, there will be no more ceremonies, no more Faith, then the Light with-in you all will begin to shine as it is rejuvenated by its own faith and ceremonies, thus defying The Beginning of Your New Cycle of life.


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