Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~The Grace of Letting Go~ by Love Reporter Heather Fraser ~

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~The Grace of Letting Go

by Love Reporter Heather Fraser





… and we all thought March was challenging? How hilarious.

If I were to write about all that has transpired for me since the end of March and for the entire month of April, this would be a novel instead of an article.

Let's just say, as I sit in this "now" space, I have survived a month long "undertow" and have lived to tell about it.

~THROUGH LOVE REPORTER STEVE BECKOW~ ~Did the President Step in It?~

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~Did the President Step in It?~

2011 May 4

There seems to be much speculation that the President has really done it this time.

I actually don’t feel that way personally. I’d be most surprised to find that the President has come this far only to fall into such an obvious trap as buying that Osama bin Laden needed to be killed a second time.

I anticipate hearing that this charade is part of a larger plan to accomplish ends that we’ll know about soon enough.

~May Energy Forecast – Stop, Burn, Go….into Endless Possibilities~

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011
May Energy Forecast – Stop, Burn, Go….into Endless Possibilities

The light-wave continues to spread itself across our planet. As it does, it shines its light on the darkest areas, just as equally as it amplifies and illuminates the highest lights visible in our world.

This world is becoming more alive by the day to our human senses. Although we are seeing and feeling more clearly than ever, this is not always purely beautiful as an experience.

Yes, we will continue to see the greatest, most defined beauty, at levels we have never previously felt or seen. But this light-wave and our awakened senses will also reveal distortions, destructions and things that initially disappoint our eyes or hurt our feelings. Until we are used to seeing and feeling the full spectrum of humanity and allowing it all to ‘be’.

This current divide and polarity showed itself a few days ago around the death of Bin Laden. Many were celebrating this man's assassination, and with his death came a temporary energy of relief/release for those people. Others were saddened that this was how people reacted, seeing it as 'revenge' energy and yet more celebration of killing.


Lia's picture




Dear Jerry,


thank you for joining the revolution for freedom of ego.... What is truly best of all, I do not pay any attention what and how they wording their ego-driven titles toward souls like me..... Eventually, all of us will awake in this beautiful Dream without ego....


I am quite honored that ego played great job in my own personal life, and gave me so many chances to discover self, to awake my true me, to see God in my heart...

I sow that my heart is pure, and it was pure for the time I could remember, but ego-materialist, and ego-controller in me was pushing me harder and harder against the wall.... [Until I realized that wall if imaginary....]


~How I cured myself From AddIcTions of fears & The doubts .....~

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~How I cured myself From AddIcTions of fears & The doubts .....~


"How is your drink, Sir?...  Is this cocktail to your taste, Madame?... Can I dare you for another round?...  Did you see this horrendous war in Libya?..."


If you carefully observe all our present correspondences, our conversations, new media postings, and you could notice in big majority, the answer or thought, or trigger on what we have been asked is pure judgment....


You have to have opinion [or other word for judgment] about your drink, your waiter, your boss, your partner clothes, the Presidents last speech....

You are becoming afraid about 'potential' new war, new 'terrorist attack' on defenseless Americans, new nuclear pollution threat, or not being able to pay your very average meal that was anyway overpriced....


~We’re Into The Ninth And Final Wave Of The Mayan Calendar UPDATE~ WITH CARL CALLEMAN

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We’re Into The Ninth And Final Wave Of The Mayan Calendar

[At the bottom of this article is a great PDF from Carl Johan Calleman that shows the dates of this Ninth Wave and some more information that I'm sure you'll find interesting.

And speaking of interesting, I had my friend at mention this to me this morning:

Also interesting: 911 happened after 980 days into the Galactic Wave of the Mayan calendar. That's 22.8% of the Galactic Wave right. So when you apply the same percentage to the Universal Wave you get 53 days into the wave which equals 1st of may. Ding ding.

I think I'm going to look into a couple other dates and see what happens in the upcoming days here. t]

April 7, 2011

~Time of Enlightenment - Now is The Time: A Wesak Season Message~

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Saturday, 23 April, 2011 

Note from Selacia - "It's three weeks ahead of our annual Wesak! This second pre-Wesak message from The Council of 12 will help you to tap into the auspicious Wesak blessings from the Ascended Masters who set the template for enlightenment on Earth. As you read their words, The Council of 12 will provide you with insights and potent energy that can help you to take advantage of this special Wesak season. If you haven't heard of Wesak, it's a celebration of the enlightened ones who came before us - such as the Buddha, the Christ, and Kuan Yin. It is also a celebration of our own enlightenment potential - each one of us has that very potential. We are here to realize that on an individual level and to help our planet shift into one of light and love." 4-23-11

Melchizedek 2011~ May 3~10, ~Beloved Ones of the Light! THE LOVE FORCE IS UNSTOPPABLE~

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~ Love Reporter and Channeler: 

Melchizedek 2011~

May 3~10, 2011

~Beloved Ones of the Light! THE LOVE FORCE IS UNSTOPPABLE~

I come to you to have discourse on the effects of the bright Light that each of you shines in the World around you. Know you the extent of this Light, Beloved Ones? We see each day these effects, as the World is being transformed by your Love, your thoughts, your intentions, your determination, your actions and your deeds. We know that it is very difficult for you to comprehend the extent of your positive influence upon the events in your World but we acknowledge now and always that the work you are doing to anchor the Light into the crystalline core of the Earth and intending that this Light prevail upon, within and around the Earth is causing and accelerating positive changes everywhere!


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Monday, 2 May, 2011 

With Mercury in a challenging retrograde all month April was not easy. We may have had some powerful lessons in releasing things which did not serve us, seeing others as they are and accepting others' in their own energy and light, all of which take us back to ourselves and what we want in our lives. Our path is individual and while we may have others walking beside us, we have to learn to put ourselves first. This may have been pointed out to you more than once in April and it will set the foundation for what happens in May. And since Mercury is in its shadow until May 11, you may have a few more opportunities to do that.


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