Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Children and Ascension ~ Part 2~2 Steve Beckow~

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~Children and Ascension ~ Part 2~2

2011 May 1
~By Love Reporter  Steve Beckow~


Because I’ve been asked about the fate of children again, I’ve decided to repost this series over the weekend.

Let’s continue our look at the role played by the children being born today.

The Group, speaking through Steve Rother, explains that many of the them have impressive psychic abilities. In many ways, we’ll have to catch up to them.

“The children being born every day are bringing [impressive] attributes in. Their eyes are getting brighter and you are starting to see more energy coming from them, and more capabilities. You will also see them communicating telepathically in ways that you have never done before. But yet, you are evolving into that exact process. …

~Hilarion's Weekly Message May 1 - 8, 2011~

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~May 1~8, 2011~

Beloved Ones,

The work continues. It requires now your steadfastness in maintaining your highest vision for the Earth and all upon and within Her. Maintain your central core of identity and never lose sight of your purpose for being here, for it is time now to let your Light shine forth, to release the last vestiges of the personality self and allow your Higher Self to manifest in and through you. The Love in your hearts now shines through with golden white purity and this is what you are meant to allow through you into the World around you and as you do this, you radiate and touch others with the love of the Christ within you.

~TRANSCRIPTION: Total Recall by Indigo Child Matias De Stefano ~

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~TRANSCRIPTION: Total Recall by Indigo Child Matias De Stefano ~

Narrator: How does the universe work? Does good and bad exist? Do we really know all of humanity's history? How did the Human Being appear? Does God exist? What is the Spirit? What is going to happen in 2012? Who are the Indigo children? Did Atlantis exist? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is the meaning of it all?

Imagine there were an explanation to all these questions, for all that happens. An explanation that unites science and faith that could explain both, physical and spiritual. Imagine that someone begins to remember that conception of the Universe and that person remembers his life and other lives before being born. He remembers people, remembers beings, remembers missions and aims, and remembers the structure of everything we know, think and feel as the Universe.

~Activation of the 144,000 crystalline grids of light and love for a New Earth~

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~Activation of the 144,000 crystalline grids of light and love for a New Earth~

~April 26th through May 26th 2011 …..and beyond…~

Now calling ALL who would like to see our world return to the way of love!!

~Your Presence is requested~

One Love

One Heart

"Let's get together
and feel all right"
Bob Marley


Lia's picture




BELoved Divine ONEs and Family of Light...

I take this Opportunity to share with you Beloved Ones about the waves of energy that are sometimes not felt as the highest emotional expression of LOVE... Even the greatest upon Us Humans feel this at times...
ACKNOWLEDGE: WE are ONE BEING... ONE CONSCIOUSNESS... ONE SPIRIT... ONE LOVE... We are ALL Individual Expressions of the Creator~Creation experiencing it's SELF... At Source, the Singularity, Zero Point, ONLY LOVE Exist...

As we are ALL energetically connected as ONE, I personally request healing intentions for ALL those who are experiencing the Higher energies coming unto Mother Earth with discomforts or the lower vibratory emotion of fear.
With LOVE, as I too have had the experienced of unbalancing emotions, I Intend that WE UNITE Together with our LOVE Energies the raise the Vibrations of the Planet and each other individual Being who is open and available to receiving these balancing~Healing Energies as the ONE We are... In the Name of the ONE Infinite Creator WE request...

Thank you Beloved Lightworkers, Starseed, Ascended Masters, Christed ETs and Angels of Love & Light who are joined with this Prayer Intention...

Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
And So it is.
I Love You BELoved ONES.

~May 1st, We enter Night 2 of the Universal Underworld~

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Night 2 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld


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From May 1st to May 18th we enter into Night 2 of the Universal Underworld Overlighted by the Company of Heaven with a focus on the eighth ray of transcendence. We are offered an opportunity to enter into the Crystalline City of Light above Lake and Mountain Baturin in Bali Indonesia. Through this beautiful seafoam green and violet colored ray within this Crystalline Temple of Light, we are assisted to find a deeper expression of our service work through creativity and organization, while letting go of old ties and structures no longer supporting us, as we move beyond the limitations imposed by the negative ego into a new balance and equilibrium through the transmutation of lower thought forms and feelings. We are further invited to assist in the clearing of Mother Earth and the oceans, lakes and rivers of this earth plane, and through this collective cleansing, clearing and healing through the "Sacred Flame of Transcendence", create an energetic vibration through Divine Love and intent, with the power to heal and lift the consciousness of all Life into the purity of the crystalline matrix within our bodies and that of Mother Earth's.


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Taurus New Mo~TUARUS NEW MOON~ASTROLOGICAL REPORT~n: May~TUARUS NEW MOON~ASTROLOGICAL REPORT~ 3, 2011Taurus New Moon: May 3, 2011   2:51:30 AM EDT, Washington, DC
The New Moon in Taurus has arrived, the time to ground and substantiate the great innovations that we each accomplished during the Aries lunation. The Aries New Moon phase is when we begin new projects and take on major commitments, and in 2011, this lunation inspired unprecedented levels of personal and global change. As you will see with this reading, the time has come to identify and strengthen the steps you've already made this last month. In the midst of a species-level growth progression during the end of the Calendar, we are all very affected by changes in our personal lives that influence the opaque collective dance; this reading will address both levels.


~Every experiment comes to its fruition....So as this magnificent ONE, too....~THE ASCENSION~

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~Every experiment comes to its fruition....So as this magnificent ONE, too....~



My beloved Patty,


I am honored that you asking so openly  about Ascension..... It is coming our way, and it is coming very fast.... Much faster than  you believe...


You will experience Ascension simply by asking God to be free of this 3D baggage.... Do not wish, simply state that you intent to Ascend, as this is your birthright given by God, this is why you are here at this time....  And you will hear the call, within your own being, and you will know exactly what to do....


~Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky~

Lia's picture


Nowe knowhom to praise for whatever next will Dawneth
Unknowable HearTouch in the Glow of HealinGrace


~Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky~

Geoff Gaherty, Starry Night Education,
Space.comgeoff Gaherty, Starry Night Education,
Thu Apr 28, 10:31 pm ET

If you get up any morning for the next few weeks, you'll be treated to the sight of all the planets except Saturn arrayed along the ecliptic, the path of the sun through the sky.


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