Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


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Pink Moon:

Full Moon in Libra April 2011

By Maharani Rutan©


On April 17, 2011, we will have a Full moon transiting in Libra at 28 degrees. The full illumination could be seen around 1:10 pm EST and 10:10 pm Pacific transiting 6 degrees orb.

According to the farmers almanac the first full moon in April is usually referred to as a Pink moon or the Grass Moon. Often the reference of the Pink moon is due to the color of herb moss which looks dusty pink during the full moon light. At the same time Green moon is when the grass turns green and brings life back to bare grass ground.

This is an important aspect for Liberians as well as those that have Libra or cardinal signs in their charts. This moon will set the stage for the sky to open up this summer. This is also to build a foundation to end the series of eclipses which have rocked the foundation of cardinal signs for 3 years and the last gasp will be this summer.

~Rama Jyoti Vernon: Japan, Radiation, and Spiritual Emergence~

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~Rama Jyoti Vernon: Japan, Radiation, and Spiritual Emergence~


I publish medical material rarely because I have no way of assessing the information and I don’t I want to be recommending a practice I know nothing about. But this discussion struck me for the spiritual principles behind it – the notion that raising vibrations is itself a healing method. One of our sources, whether Hatonn, Mathew, Lisa Renee, or someone else I can’t remember, said something similar recently.

Implicit in the notion of ascension to the Fourth and Fifth Dimension is the notion that raised vibrations take a person to a dimension where disease cannot exist so what the author says here is a more general spiritual hypothesis as well as a specific treatment.

So not as a healing practice but as a matter of spiritual science, I wanted to pass along this article from Jean Hudon’s latest compendium.

Japan, Radiation, and Spiritual Emergence

By Rama Jyoti Vernon

~Carl Johan Calleman: Invitation to “Awakening of the Divine Within,” April 23~

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Dear Friends,

At the midpoint of the second day of the ninth wave you are invited to participate in a global event and a teleconference “Awakening to the divine within” on April 23: This event, which is hosted by Brenda Pareja, is designed to give you an experience of divine presence at an early point in the wave that will include a series of global events with broadened participation. The event will include World Divine Light Organization with an origin in Japan as well as members of the Oneness Movement. Earth day, April 22 also falls on the midpoint of the 2nd day and at you may breath together with others for Japan at this point in time.

Best, Carl Johan


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January 22, 2011 (posted 16 April 2011)


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I am in the place you would call Tucson, and I say this for the listener and for the reader. For I see their ears and their eyes in a quantum state with me now and that's what I want to speak to you about - the quantumness of God, a puzzle of spiritual logic. For what has happened in this city recently may remain unexplainable to most [the shootings at the political rally in Tucson two weeks earlier].
Humans want answers, and there are so many answers from so many places that don't satisfy, and this might even be one of them. The reasoning of God escapes all of you because there are no linear reasons for things you experience. It is not pre-planned, since there is no predestination. There was no certainty that on that day on the eighth of January that these things would take place. There are, instead, only potentials.


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~LIGHTWORKER REPORT  FOR April 14-21, 2011~

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love called alchemy. Each time there is a challenge in your path, there is presented to you a choice, and it requires for you to make a choice for either the expression of that which you are not, or, choosing to transmute this tendency into that of Love. This is alchemy, Beloved Ones. When each of you are presented with any type of challenge whilst in your daily life, there is always the opportunity to change the human feeling into that of a higher feeling and this is known as alchemy.


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~ A MESSAGE From Steve~

This message talks about what the group expects to see over the next several months. They told the story about how everything on this side of the veil vibrates, and like snowflakes each one of us has a unique signature vibration. They went on to show us how that signature is beginning to change in each of us and the often emotional consequences. They said the real immediate problem is that it leads to self-doubt and when a creator has self-doubt it can impede the path.

They also went on to talk about the recent Earth changes and the tragedies in Japan, New Zealand, Thailand and the Ring of Fire in general. These events they equated to Mother Earth in labor. They did say that at this moment there were two more “big ones” expected to make the shift complete. They also pointed out that the Earth’s tilt has once again shifted, and that is actually changing the Earth’s signature vibration as She enters a new dimension. Same as us.

~ The~ Upcoming Announcements~FIRST CONTACT Part 2~ ~ Archaea FAITH and MICHAEL

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~LOVE REPORTERS Archaea FAITH and MICHAEL -- The Upcoming Announcements/FIRST CONTACT Part 2~

Greetings Again Beloved Souls, Michael and I have Returned To Continue Our Message about The ForthComing Announcements and Actual FORMAL First Contact. There Is A Great Deal of Information To Be Relayed Still... So We Shall Get To It!

Michael: As You Have No Doubt Noticed Already, There Is An EXPLOSION Of Information About The Upcoming FORMAL Media Announcements and the ACTUAL First Contact Itself. This is Be-ing Done By Design In Order To Get AS MUCH Pertinent Information To You, Beloved Ones, As Is Possible In ENOUGH Linear Time For You To Act On It And Make Your Moves As Per Your Individual Soul Agreements.

FAITH: Michael and I Have Recently Been Alerted That Some "Interesting Activitys" Are Set To Be Carried Out By FEMA in The United States. I AM/We Are Referring, Of Course, To The "Earth-Quake Disaster Preparedness Drill" Scheduled For The 28th of This Calendar Month - April 2011 - at 10:15 AM Local Time. This Is Central Time If I AM Correct; As "Time Zones" and Linear Time Are Not Relevant BEYOND The Duality of 3D. Please Be AWARE Of What Is Planned Beloved Souls, Yet NEVER AFRAID Of Those Plans. The Galactic Federation IS Monitoring The Situation There As They Are World-Wide and Will LESSEN The "Damage" Done As They Are Allowed To Do So.

~Arcturian Transmission For Transformation~

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~Arcturian Transmission For Transformation~

Exciting are these times of Activation!
Exciting are these times of Acceleration, Of Rememberance, and Expansive Synchronisitic Creativity.

No Longer the Search for, "Where Is It?" permeates your moment-to-moment existence.
Now are the moments of “There I Am, Fully As I Am, Where I am.”
More and More of Who You Are is Funneling Faster and Faster into your Multi-Spectrum Selves.
Invigorating it can be.


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Dear Friends and Family of Gaia,

Long before planets were known to have specific orbits it was thought that they wandered the heavens; the last and lost remains of some great and powerful being. We know so much more than that today, yet we still know very little about our solar system, our own planet earth, and ourselves. Gaia says that these days we look as if we are holding our breath, and wonders how long it will be before we let it out. There is no doubt that there is a lot going on in almost every pocket and corner of life -- our physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and structural lives are changing.


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