Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Transmuting Negative Vibrations & Living From The Heart~

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~ Transmuting Negative Vibrations & Living From The Heart~

~Remove Fear And Release ego~

There are several ways to transform a negative state in to a positive one. We must start with releasing our ego, when we release our ego we begin to start letting go of how we want things to be and allow ourselves to surrender to what CAN be. We allow ourselves to move past trying to control the way our future is created and simply allow ourselves to be creation.

In moving past Ego, we can then see our mistakes not as mistakes but as lessons, we can take a deep breath and let everything just be. It is wise however to remove fear from our thought process, for the vibration of fear is what feeds the ego. We fear not having control of our lives and everything that happens around it, By removing fear from our minds, we can then release the ego, and by releasing the ego we are on our way to turning a positive in to a negative.

~Change Your Perception~


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~NOW Is The Time!~
~By LOVE REPORTER  Patricia Diane Cota-Robles~

We have all heard the Hopi quote, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.” Never in recorded history has that statement meant more or been more accurate than during this Cosmic Moment. This is a critical time in the evolution of this planet, and we are witnessing the most intensified cleansing process Humanity has ever experienced. We have all heard the saying “You cannot pour new wine into old bottles, lest the new wine becomes contaminated.” That is a powerful metaphor for what is occurring on Earth at this moment. In order for our NEW planetary CAUSE of Divine Love to physically manifest on Earth, we must first transmute all of the human miscreations that conflict with Divine Love.


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~April 12-19, 2011~

Beloved Lightworkers,

You are all deep into your transformations now, shedding all that is not in alignment with the higher aspect of yourselves that you wish to bring in and anchor into your physical being. It is a tedious and challenging process OR it can be the most wonderfully enlightening and empowering process of self actualization ever experienced by anyone on Earth with the exception of those who understood the process in ages past and overcame all the temptations that befall Souls in a physical body experience. The choice is ever and always up to you how you choose to perceive it. Remember, Dear Ones, that mind is the builder or it can be the destroyer, if you allow thoughts that are not in alignment with your highest vision to take root and fester with poison.


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~LOVE REPORTER AnaMariaPineda~

~When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us. —-Alexander Graham Bell~


Life is made of choices. I can choice to focus on a door that has closed before me or I can focus on the areas of my life that do work. I can be grateful for what I have instead of missing something I don’t have. Life is about where you place your focus. Your happiness in this current moment depends on where you place your attention.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the people around us. And sometimes there will be situations that seem beyond our control, and perhaps are beyond our control. It is in these moments that we realize that we never really had control over anything. That all we ever had control over was our attitude, our point of view and our choices of thoughts.


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Monday, 4 April, 2011  (posted 13 April, 2011)

What physical changes can we expect in the year 2012?

The physical changes that will occur for people during the year 2012 are very much in the same vein as the physical changes that are occurring in the Enlightenment process for people.  In some ways you can just look at any information that has come through about Enlightenment or the process of Ascension and much of those answers will be the same as those in regard to the year 2012.  More specifically, right here and now, the thing that will happen for many of you in the year 2012 on a physical level is you will have made an adjustment in the way you approach your physical bodies.  That will mean that the changes, although they will keep occurring, you will work with them differently so you will experience them differently.  I am going to list some of the changes and then I am going to explain how you will have changed in accordance with them. 

Archaea FAITH and MICHAEL -- THe Upcoming Announcements/FIRST CONTACT Part 1

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Greetings Again Beloved Souls, Michael and I Have Once Again Returned To Bring You A VERY IMPORTANT Message Regarding FIRST CONTACT with Your Galactic Federation Kindred and Star Familys. This Message Is Just THE FIRST In A Series That We Are Doing TOGETHER In Order To ALERT You All Regarding The VERY FAST APPROACHING First Contact.


Michael: Not too many Suns (Days) Ago My Son (Commander) Ashtar Sheran - Commander of the Galactic Fleet - and I Put Out A Message Together Letting All Of Our LightWorker and Earth-Angelic Kindred Know AHEAD OF TIME That The FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Regarding FORMAL First Contact with the Galactic Federation Would Be Forthcoming Within The Week From Those That Channel The Higher Realms First, and Then The Representative Media Outlets Would Begin Publicly Making These Announcements Known.

St. Germain, No longer can you hide from Yourself, in this is the Greatest Gift ~

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Hello to you, it is I, Saint Germain here to speak to you in this way, as we must speak in this way at this time for it is the best way to speak to each of you, to hear our message.

At this time all is coming into a new feeling of Oneness and in this much is being dredged up from the bottom. Much is coming forth to be purged from the depths that we have hidden from ourselves and from the view of others as well.

In this there is much judgment that is coming forth from yourselves. Judgments of this darkness, as you see it in others and as you hide it from the depths of your soul.

Day 2 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

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~LOVE REPORTER Anrita Melchizedek~

Day 2 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

From April 13th to April 30th we enter into Day 2 of the Universal Underworld, assimilating on the inner planes the frequencies of Divine Light spiralling forth from the Company of Heaven with a focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom. We are offered an opportunity to enter into the Crystalline City of Light above Mt. Kilauea, Hawaii and Overlighting by the Ascended Masters, Ray Councils of Light, Christed ET's, and the Brotherhood of the Light, experience an initiation of Light that will collectively take our service work to another level of unconditional Love, uniting humanity in these transitional times into the essence of Divine Love and the ability to co-create through this beautiful blue flame of Love and Wisdom . We further have the opportunity to let go of false beliefs between men and women and lift ourselves through the blueprints of Divine Love into the vibrational matrix of Love particular, calling upon our Divine Twin Flames to join with us energetically and/or physically.

Invocation to Day 2 of the Universal Underworld

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,


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The Ainu are the Indigenous People of Japan. In 2004, over 6000 Japanese participated in WPPD at Mt Fugi. One of our staff Misa sent us this message from the Ainu, we feel the world needs to know their thoughts of what is happening and realize we will also be affected.

This is why we Unite Spiritually!Dear friends,I received a message from Koji Yuki, one of the young Ainu (Indigenous people of Japan, based in Hokkaido) leader, who is also a very good friend of mine. He is the leader of a performance group,Ainu Art Project, he is a woodblock artist and an activist. He is sending this message out from Hokkaido, in response to the earthquake and subsequent nuclear accident that happened in Japan. I would appreciate if you could share this message with people who may be interested.Misa Honde

**********************************MESSAGE FROM KOJI YUKI - AINU NATION OF JAPAN*****************************Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet,Today the land that we live on, Japan,is faced with a great calamity.As people who worship the gods of nature,we grieve that the huge forces of nature have snatched away many people¹s lives.We are praying every day to calm nature¹s anger.From the midst of those prayers,we have received a visionof a new era of great kindness that begins with helping one another and acquiring new awareness an era to rethink our self-interest.


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