Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings ~ Hang On

OdiStar's picture

The Creator Writings - 11 January, 2014


There may be times where you feel as if you light has gone out and the barrage of negatives hit you so hard you cannot stand.  Take heart, my love, it is only temporary.  Once you have been awakened to the Truth of The Universe, there is no going back.  Hang on, ride it out and know that it has not gone away.  The light of Unconditional Love is there to support and carry you even if you are unable to carry yourself. ~ Creator

Source: The Creator Writings

"The Energies of 2014" ~ A Saint-Germain Be Who You Really Are

Lia's picture

Much of the year 2013 has been about finding balance in everything that you do. In this past year you've been exposed more to the issues of injustice and inequality, and you had to reconsider as a collective consciousness what are the higher ideals that you want to follow in the world.

Having a higher vision for the world, and making that vision a reality was such a strong desire for so many of you. But because you could not always accept with ease the changes that were occuring, you might have fallen into disillusionment, and some of you even became jaded and cynical.

However, in order to ground a higher vision of reality here on the Earth, you need to be very practical. You need to be able to take that vision, make a plan, then follow individual steps which will show you in the end the process that will make it possible for you to manifest your dreams. When you are not practical about life, then life becomes very practical with you, and it shows you the most "imperfect" things happening around you. This eventually forces you to look at what needs to be done in order to improve things in your life, and in the lives of others.

Your Vision of the World

Emily Doyle ~ Gratitude’s Vibration

OdiStar's picture

Wakeup-World - Posted on January 9, 2014

What are you most grateful for? Who are you most grateful for? What experiences do you cherish with all your heart?

The power of gratitude is in align with the power of love, and love is the highest vibration there is. To practice gratitude is to practice love.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Eclipses 2014

OdiStar's picture - 11 January 2014



Eclipses mean changes, good and bad up and down and everything in-between. Eclipses always escort in significant events– marriage, divorce, death, birth, career change. They strongly magnify everything and are living parenthesis forcing us to look at what we have turned our pretty heads away from.  The restraints of old in words and actions fall away like rusty shackles exposing new and tender skin. Solar eclipses mean new beginnings and lunar eclipses represent finally finishing things. These are very powerful Eclipses each with there own gifts and own set of rules.

Full lunar eclipse 4/15/ 2014 = # 16/7 Vibration

~Be Calm, Be Cool and Be Collected~

Lia's picture
Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ January 10 – 17, 2014

Received by Julie Miller
January 10, 2014

Life does have its challenges, where some normal day-to-day routine challenges can become difficult with little notice. There is so much for you to complete every day, you have goals and dreams that you are working each day, one step at a time to accomplish as well as the mundane tasks from your professional and personal life that require your attention plus the time you give to develop your spiritual nature. When chaos hits, all that you have been maintaining and balancing becomes an unravelled mess in a short time and you are left with the feeling you must rush to put it all back together again while dealing with the emotional impact that the experience has delivered.

~ The 4 Keys to Forgiving Yourself and Making Peace With Your Past~

Lia's picture

HJ: Forgiving yourself can be hard to do if you hold tightly to rigid views of right and wrong, as these keep you trapped in the belief that your lack of compassion towards yourself is justified, when in fact, it is not.  Refusing to forgive yourself for past ‘mistakes’ (this is a terrible word and should really be eradicated from the english language…) is a choice you make that locks you into suffering and prevents you from reaching your full potential.  Just as easily as you made the choice, you can ‘un-make’ it and release the burden of your past permanently.

The most important thing I would like to highlight in addition to the 4 steps outlined in the article below, is the necessity to reframe how you view your past and life in general.  Although most of us have been taught since birth that there is such thing as right and wrong, in truth, the universe is non-dual, meaning that these concepts do not actually exist outside of the constructs of our own minds.  As a society we ‘unconsciously’ agree to believe in them as fundamental to reality, but they do not exist as some larger universal principle, despite what major religions try to tell us.

~Pyramid Power~

Lia's picture



All Giza PyramidsJulian Websdale, Contributor
Waking Times

The most celebrated pyramids are those at Giza, built during the fourth dynasty, of which the largest is the one that housed the pharaoh Khufu, better known as Cheops. This is now called the Great Pyramid.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Is This a Never-Ending Waiting Game?

Lia's picture


butterfly_in_handAngelic Guides: Is This a Never-Ending Waiting Game?, channeled through Taryn Crimi, January 9, 2014 at | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifestation. As we have repeatedly expressed, this year is a pivotal year. It will be a year that many will look back at and see that it was the completion of one cycle and the dawning of a new one. How you experience this will of course be entirely up to you.

There are many who are feeling overwhelmed by the thought of this, some of you feel anxious while others are feeling quite excited to finally put to rest all that you have struggled with over the past few years. We have spoken quite a bit about manifesting your dreams, bringing your desires into your physical reality and dreaming big; yet there are still some who doubt that this long held vision will ever truly manifest. You see, many of you have been dreaming about all that you wanted to create and for some it has become more of a distant wish than a goal which you are truly striving for. 


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