Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Judith Dagley ~ Creating Happiness Requires ACTION

OdiStar's picture - Posted on 9 January, 2014


Picture 12An hour ago, I lived through another vivid experience of what replacing the old victim/aggressor paradigm of separation with the NEW Blueprint of interconnected harmony is like in 2014. Describing all of the aspects of the experience would take way too long, and be way too much to take in from a single post, but I may do so in a series of posts  soon– unless I get swept up in the increasing flow of them and it becomes obsolete within 24 hours, that is!

Living New Earth: Sound Creates Our Reality

Lia's picture


“Did you know that abracadabra comes from the Aramaic abraq ad habra, which literally translates to ‘I will create as I speak’?”

Through a post on “The Reading Guru” I was made aware of a most wonderful book by Dielle Ciesco on Voice and how sound creates our reality, written in fiction form. Here is an excerpt. Enjoy Reading!

“It’s time to educate one another so we begin to recognize the tool that lies dormant in song. Learn the subtleties of vibration and the impact our voices have on ourselves—our very DNA!— on each other, and on our world. Open your eyes to see. Sound penetrates into many dimensional realms.”

“Use sound as you walk through your day, reinforcing love here and dismantling fear and illusion there. Use sound to clean up our messes, our buildings, our planet, the water, the very air, and our relationships. It can be done. Once we recognize that sound can pollute, we can take measures to counteract the damage caused from decades of our ignorance.    “It’s time to use sound to communicate with physical objects, the astral realms, our intuition, and our mental bodies. We must use sound to communicate with our very bodies and to help us alter our nervous systems for the coming changes. We must use sound to communicate with the No Sound, the Source of all that is.”

SaLuSa ~ January 10, 2014

OdiStar's picture 

Matters on Earth continue to create uncertainty and outwardly there are little signs of world peace being achieved. Yet behind the scenes many groups of Lightworkers are playing their part to bring stability and peace about. It will come in relatively short time and this year is one that will be most active in that respect. Lightworkers all over the world are gaining confidence in the outcome, and see the fruits of their work coming out. Be assured that the Light is growing all of the time and is slowly lifting souls into a higher dimension. This is resulting in a clear division between those of the old vibrations who are unable to rise up, and those who can. However, it does not mean that you cease to be able to help them, as many souls still need help and guidance to lift up.

~ Djwhal Khul ~ Privacy Illusions

Lia's picture

Terri Newlon  January 9 2014

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re going to be seeing some interesting things here this year which I’ve dubbed “The Year of Revelations and Transparency.”

So what I want to talk about right now is privacy. You’re going to be seeing a shift in privacy or privacy issues and for the most part, of course, privacy is an illusion to a great degree.

While one may feel they can conceal things or hide things, this year, that gets flushed out. So what you might be seeing is by nature people who normally are keeping their cards close to their chest so to speak are suddenly now voluntarily showing at least one card, if not two, three or the whole hand.

So you’re going to see private people being less private and oftentimes the exact reverse. Those who normally are very open book, starting to retract a bit and use that energy. There will also be a tendency to sort of cocoon or go into hermit mode a little bit while contemplating the next step.

Weekly LightBlast ~Jamye Price ~ All Together

Lia's picture

Weekly LightBlast  January 9 2014

In this year of discovery of your personal flame of empowerment, you are becoming the reflection of the night sky on Earth. A stellar array of bright Lights that steer wanderers, inspire poets and tell the story of ancient times and now. You are discovering your unique Light and fearlessly shining it into the darkness in ways that will even be seen lightyears from now. You as an individual (in-divine-dual-ity) are understanding the true depth of your Love, your treasure, your Light. It is through this path of Light that others learn to shine. It is through this path of Light that you have distilled your own soul to an ever brighter radiance. It through this path of Light that you have found your courage to dive deeper into the depths of dysfunction to find solution (soul-evolution) for the ills of man. As you look around, you may not see everyone shining brightly yet. But watch, dear wayshower, for the dawn is breaking and the dark always yields to Love within the flow of Time.

What's In Store For You In 2014?

Lia's picture

Numerology can help us to know what would be best to focus on to ensure the most success in our lives and to ensure our utmost soul growth. By using Numerology, we can get an idea of what to focus on during each of the months in 2014.
Numerology is the “science” of names and numbers. The philosophy behind it is that there is a relationship between the numbers in our lives and what we experience in life. Numerology uses a person's name given at birth and date of birth to form a profile about them. The letters of a person's name are converted to numbers. Numerology can offer us guidance and can assist us in leading a more meaningful life. Numerology also shows us the talents and abilities that we possess, some of which may be hidden talents that we may not even be aware of thus far.
The idea behind Numerology is that everything in existence is energy. There is nothing that exists that is not simply energy. Scientists have proven in experiments with water that even our thoughts are energy. The water molecules in the experiments formed different patterns when positive thoughts were sent to them versus when negative thoughts were sent to them. Numerology is based on energy also. Each number in Numerology carries its own energy vibration and therefore, has a unique meaning. Numerology is a numerical representation of our energetic makeup and the energy that we carry.


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