Merging into the 144~Crystal GRID ~ 144 Crystalline Grid Activation Meditation*

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Merging into the 144~Crystal GRID

We accept readily that we are energetic beings surrounded by a potent electromagnetic field.

We chose to be part of the ascension process and the ascension of the living Gaia.

We channel inward great flows of cosmic divine energy with the capacity to direct this light outward through directed meditative thought for the highest good.

By unifying our energies in synchronized ecstatic states we form a powerful light vortex. This energy can cleanse, brighten,   



energize and activate each one of us, according to our intent and flow.

Our intent is light of the highest order, transferred to the new grid, the new crystal matrix of Gaia…the 144~Crystal vibration.

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . . Meditation to Spread Love Throughout this Realm-Sheldan Nidle

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . .


During Sheldan's last webinar, Spreading Love, the Ascended Masters provided a meditation for him to share. This is the third powerful meditation Sheldan has been given to share during his webinars. The Ascended Masters are encouraging us all to increase our meditations and also to come together and collectively meditate. We received such positive feedback on this meditation, we wanted to share it with our entire email community. In this meditation, we use the colors blue and green when focusing our heart energies. In a separate email, I will share another webinar meditation.

Meditation is a powerful consciousness tool to use to manifest your heart's desires.


Here's what one webinar attendee shared after his meditation:


Boy, it must be the right time for this. I don't think this addition to meditation would have worked so well before this time. These colors just seem to flood me without much intention and it always feels blissful even during the day when not meditating. Just remembering to use these colors and extending them out from the heart to all the people around me is powerful.
Thanks, Love, John

Selamat Ja!

A great outpouring of Light from Elohim Cyclopea begins on Saint Germain's Ascension Day, May1st

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A Great Outpouring of Light begins TODAY May 1st 2012 on Saint Germain's Ascension Anniversary !!!
The All Seeing Eye of God , Elohim Cyclopea in the Royal Tetons will be activated today May 1st 2012 under the command of Goddess of Venus and will remain active for 9 days, the Lords of the Flames from Venus will be projecting ten of thousands of millions of streams of Sacred fire through America to the entire planet..for a great cleansing and purification activity for the new 7th Golden Age upon this planet!!!

5/1/2012 -- USGS censors / wipes Wyoming 4.0M FRACKING earthquake off the map

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Full website post with all the stats and screenshot proof.. plus links you can use to monitor earthquake -- stay current on these developments -- also to see if they ever add this one back to the list !

4.0 magnitude earthquake in SW Wyoming is rather sizable for the area .. surprised they deleted this one quite frankly... even for the USGS .. this one will get noticed by even the skeptics as a "WTH" moment.

Oh, Dear, the End Times are Here! (The End of Fear!) - with Scott Grace, the Spiritual Dr. Seuss

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The story of fear and its grand departure told with irresistible humor by the spiritual Dr. Seuss! For the words, send an email to I will send you the transcript and put you on my muse-letter list so you can be informed when more treats like this come out.

Check out another of my Spiritual Dr. Seuss videos, If Dr. Seuss Studied Eckhart Tolle! at:

Scorpio Full Moon ~ Age Of Truth

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The Scorpio Full Moon on May 5-6 emphasizes the need to dig deep and analyze our beliefs around money, security and the purpose of life. This is the second of five SuperMoons this year. Sun in Taurus implies that we are all part of the circle of life. Each soul has a vital role to play. Another cannot replace you. You are the gift.

A Passion For Service - Meet The Man Named Tree

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(editor's note: As a child of the 60s, I grew up with flower children, communes, free love and all the "historic" movements of the time. Tree is the founder of San Francisco's Free Farm.

Free Farm is an urban cooperative where decisions are made by concensus and staffed by volunteers with the mission to “grow organic produce, foster garden education and build community."

This marvelous man embodies quiet service to earth and all her inhabitants. In a rare interview, he shares his philosophy and his dreams.

All my Love, Boo)




Interview: Tree (founder of San Francisco's Free Farm)


~~The Holy Trinity( the Three Arch Angels of Earth)~ A Message~ Sound The Trumpets

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~The Holy Trinity( the Three Arch Angels of Earth)~



Our voices will be the trumpets breaking down the walls of this reality, shattering the reflections of our past selves and creating and accepting this new world of inner awarness of ones true self as a divine being of Peace, love, unity and respect. We are the ones that are hear to show you how easy and amazing this world truly is for us all as one! Be love and you' ll always be loved, see love and you will be oshown love, The reflections of our souls will be brighter than anything in these multiverses of dimensions and vibrations has ever witnessed!


Crystaqueous ~ Detachment ~ Part 5 ~ 1 May 2012

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Crystaqueous ~ Detachment ~ Part 5 ~ 1 May 2012


Yes, whatever is coming our way in this time is best to be wholeheartedly embraced and not run away from.  The whole concept of detachment is far distorted on the dream stage.  This is by no means saying that such is out of sorts with the Script Divine.  Impossible it is for anything to be out of time or place here, contrary to many appearances and so-called human-mind notions.  Detachment is invariably in distortion when it is consciously planned and worked at by the dream mind.  Detached all will surely become—even from their very own erroneous self.  But such will occur only by the Cuing of Divinity—even while the mind human remains in its last-ditch attempts to halt all thought and effort toward this and having an acute awareness of its utter helplessness to achieve such.


What is getting clearer than ever in this time is the need to openheartedly embrace every moment and every event and every thought and experience that comes one’s way.  And to embrace it with love and joy and a complete sense of freedom as well.   If one still tries to resist anything for so-called spiritual reasons entertaining the idea of purifying oneself thereby, that (whatever it is) is going to return time and again until it is totally faced and embraced.



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