Over the last few weeks, catastrophe and conflict have jostled for attention on newsstands around the world. It has been a periods of great confusion and uncertainty, but also a reminder of just how connected we all are. When tsunami alerts reached the coasts of so many different countries, it inevitably triggered a feeling that challenged everything that was known, as we collectively faced the uncertainty of the future.
It is catastrophes such as these that challenge us to relinquish our attachment to the external, to evaluate what is real, what is truly important, and discard what is not. Not only are external structures falling, but also internal ones, ones that no longer apply to a world that is changing at an ever-increasing pace.
Those who must face these situations must also learn to bring out the best that life has taught them. To give the best of themselves, which is what makes humanity great and inspires us all: to weather these times of loss and desolation in solidarity, confronting the devastation together, as one human family.