Our Loving Sun is helping quite a lot today by sending US lots of LOVE ENERGY. This Energy will caresse -LOL- Mother Earth=Heart in about 72 hours from the event, and although the X Flair will not hit US in the face but only smoothly pass by… be prepared, for this is not the last one, just a warm up! It’s only a first Wake-Up call… For EveryONE. You on Board?
~Thanks to Colleen and Sheldan Nidle's for this Post~
Photo by Will Harader of cloud ships
We all want disclosure in 2012. Sightings are up and will continue to increase every month. I know many of you wish with all your heart to experience a sighting OR even better have a visitation from one of our Galactic family or an Ascended Master. Maintain a clear, concise intention and see what happens. This year is magical!
Now… I’m no expert in earthquakes, but I can tell something big is happening.
Now… we can see our mother earth is moving under our feet in unprecedented ways… we are stepping into higher level of shift of our planetary surface… could the words of our Supreme Commander of Project Transition Earth, Sananda Esu Immanuel, be coming true right now?…
The Gift of Solar Flares Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Memeber Steve Beckow with Commentary from Rosalie~
Photo through spaceweather.com ~
Spending time in the sun always lifts our spirits, makes us feel alive, energised and positive. Well that golden orb in the sky is also assisting us to transition into a new vibration along with the earth.
The solar flare reports from NASA and other scientific research facilities have become quite regular and more information is being released to the public in regard to the ‘effects’ that these ‘eruptions’ on the sun’s surface have on life here on earth.
Solar flares are simply huge explosions of built up gases and magnetic forces on the sun’s surface. They travel through space, and if they explode in earth’s direction, the electromagnetic field of earth is impacted, as is the earth and all living creatures. The biological and neurological system of life are shaken up with these bursts of highly charged energy.
~How Solar Flares Are Affecting Our Bodies~ by By Dena Ventrudo
Dena Ventrudo is the Assistant Editor & Photographer of Merlian News. She is a published poet and creative writer, most recently published in "Trails Through The Greenbelt" by Jack M. Freedman. Dena has a BA in Liberal Studies from SUNY Purchase College but also spent time there as a Dramatic Writing, Literature and Women's Studies major.
I have been asked by Archangel Michael to write this article in order to help the many people who undergo the experience of a rapid shift into multi-dimensional awareness, or, the shift from the Indigo state to the Crystal state of consciousness.
Prayers for Empowerment For the Benefit of Others as Well as Self
May I become at all times, both now and forever A protector for those without protection A guide for those who have lost their way A ship for those with oceans to cross A bridge for those with rivers to cross A sanctuary for those in danger A lamp for those without light A place of refuge for those who lack shelter And a servant to all in need. -- Tibetan Buddhist prayer
For many, the shifts continue to arrive in quantum leaps and bounds. For others, it appears like groundhog day or slow snail pace. For me, it’s often fast and furious. One minute, I’m riding the crest of the wave, dancing the zuvaya. Next minute, I’m getting dumped by a tsunami tidal wave and I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, continue dancing or just allow myself to indulge in a combination of oscillating emotions all in the same moment.
A bit dramatic, one might say.
I’m sure many can relate in their own way. Most times, I just remember to catch my breathe, before I try articulating or expressing any of the rapid shifts.