In your own unique way, as guided by the resonant quality of your soul and the desire of the personality that calls you by name, you have crossed another threshold and found yourself in a new year.
You approach an invisible marker in time - one that may as well be chiseled in stone as your imaginations have built a monument to it -- this year has earned a permanent entry in the logbook of your life.
We're Entering [WE Have Entered] The Photon Belt ~ Barbara Hand Clow
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ In December of 2007, The Earth and Humanity Entered the Photon Belt, this Year of 2012, We are Full Speed Ahead~ Pay close attention to Our Solr Wind Streams, this Means we are Flying through Space and for the Majority of Humanity they have no clue!!~ Surprise! Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
Thank you Ari !
According to Barbara Hand Clow and others - we are moving into a zone in space that is band of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the photon belt she calls the Galactic Night.
Everything, person, and event was put on your path with a purpose. There is no such thing as a coincidence, or accident. It is all divinely orchestrated with all aspects of you. Your life purpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy, satisfaction, growth and fulfillment. Seeking these soul qualities will put you on your path, and attract to you all the right people, places and things.
10 February 2012 | Aisha North Your Changing Bodies~
Today will be a day almost like any other, but only almost. You see, the heightened levels of energy have started to make their mark not only on you, but also on everything that surrounds you. For many, this has started to show itself as increased levels of aches and pains, especially in the bones, and also in the activities in your brain during your sleeptime. Let us explain.
Selacia’s Council Of 12 Message ~The Global Shift~
This is a year of revolution on a big scale – impacting you and everyone on the planet. A common theme you will see repeatedly is the need for humanity to come together as one family. This need has never been more important than right now. The new Earth you want cannot come into being alongside centuries-old patterns of bickering, complaining, conquering, and killing. A very long time ago people understood and valued the concept of community. People of those times knew about the power of unity and helping one another. In some cultures, threatened by droughts and other climatic shifts, people learned that they could survive through collective ideas, support, and actions. Rather than fighting each other over dwindling resources, they used their joint creativity to adapt. They understood the power of a cohesive group; they valued the natural world and learned to work with nature.
Yesterday I listened to two interviews posted by friends on my Facebook Wall: Ben Lowrie Interviews Arthur Cristian and Bill Wood (Brockbrader) with Lisa Harrison. Then this morning I dreamed I was asking directions from a sheriff. (How unmanly!) He told me that one way was shorter, though a bit more complicated. The other way had better roads, though I would have to go out of my way, then double back. Then I woke up and meditated on two visions of my/our possible future.
Again I don’t think I can not return to mention this matter. With this post, I believe I’ve now attended to all loose threads and will not be posting more unless a matter again arises that I cannot fail to address.
John Lear has denied that he wrote the account alleged to have come from him saying he was on board the Neptune. Here is his denial posted to Godlike Productions:
Re: I am the real John Lear… ask me a question
The following missive has been travelling through out the universe with a story that is absolute nonsense. Normally I would play along for a little fun. But in this case I think that would only muddy the waters as I think this is clearly a disinformation attempt to discredit me. I mean, why bother? Anyway, have a nice read but its only nonsense. the original spelling has not been corrected. I’ve never heard of a Mr. Beckow.
~A Lightworker in High School Needs Assistence and Advice~
im in highschool. im a first degree reiki practitioner. i can play most instruments. lately ive been changing how i am spiritually/mentally i guess. those are some things about me.
ok to get to the point im in need of advice. ive been reading every single recent post for the past couple months and have noticed that there is nothing on school. Do i continue to work in school, sacrificing my self for stress? i cant decide. theres also been nothing on teenagers, no advice for us, nothing like that from the GFL. i have been asking out/up for answers everyday and so far nothing. i still cant find it inside me, no answer.
im not complaining. just asking. and i apologize if i seem a little ignorant.
At last, 2012 has arrived! As we enter into a pivotal year for us and our world, it’s clear that the role of community has become key to the way we navigate the huge changes that life seems to be bringing our way. I’m taking the opportunity to personally express my deepest gratitude to you for all that you do to make the big community of our world a better place.
I want you to know that I’ve never been more optimistic about our future and the world that is emerging before our eyes!
Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa ~ 10 February 2012 A Great Stirring is and Determination for Freedom~
Suddenly there is a great stirring and determination amongst you, to exercise your freedom to achieve what it is you want in the way of changes. Disclosure is something that you have continually pressed for yet as we have previously stated, the truth of our existence is known to many of you who have followed our activities over many, many years. It hardly needs verification in light of all the evidence there is about us, but the authorities cannot release what information they have without official recognition and approval. However, with or without it you are now pressing for opportunities to contact us direct, and it is taking place. We find acceptance of us is at an all time high, and it enables us to deal direct with you. Whilst the cancellation of the Neptune trip was obviously disappointing, it has nevertheless brought about a great surge of interest in us. It has clearly surprised many people that we are prepared to invite you on board our ships, but it is time for such experiences. Your authorities do not like it, as they desire to be in total control of such matters and would prevent any publicity being given to such happenings.
Our Changing Field ~ Being Light in Changing Form!
Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
I am going to start this sharing with the epiphany I had at the end of part one of Our Changing Field.
I was in a session with a man I have been following thru his meditation growth and when I had seen him a few days ago, I was suprised about what I had seen. I could see his entire light body speckled thru out the entire area of the “field” as high as the dome all the way to the ground and left and right. I really want to say particles or pieces, but neither are correct. Each speckle of his light was very opalescent and everywhere.
He has become an avid and extraordinary mediator, finding so many aspects of his Light Body thru the direct approach of meditation. By that I mean, actively seeking himSelf in many nooks and crannies that presented themselves thru the City of Light meditation.
I had no clue what it meant, there was no form for me to understand. Anytime I had seen him before, there was always some sort of form to read! He was not an explosion of light made manifest… but without form.