~Galactic Love Reporter M, Comments about the 3 Days of Darkness by Magenta Pixie~
This message is very accurate from my perspective, she is very clear from her position of energy. There are many ideas about what is to take place this year, some are clear and from a pure place, some are not so clear or from the purest of thought and heart. I do not have anything meaningful to include concerning these events, however, they will be perfect for each set of eyes and ears who will go through it.
What she speaks of happens every end of a cycle, it is natural unless someone or something tries to tamper with the ending out of fear such as was the case on the last cycle and we all know how that went lol! Ok, so she speaks of the droping of the magnetic field and its effects upon the memory of each individual. When the magnetics drops around the earth and you have not completed your LBP, or opened the heart in such a way that the field around it retains the memory, there will be a reset. In other words the Drive of the main computer(mass consciousness grid) will be reset fully to the new.
I am One Who Serves in the Great White Brotherhood of Light and I am here to help you understand that you are here for a reason. Not so much only this group, but the many groups meeting as we speak even now across the planet. But for you, each one to come to a group to begin to understand more fully who you are, even though you may be in the awakening process already and may be ready to move into the next step of your expression. And what is that step you might ask, what is that part of the plan that you might be finding yourself drawn to? And we would say to you that you must begin to look around yourselves, look for those things which are being prepared for you to begin to push you along on the mission that you came here for. Each one is here in a different capacity. Each one is here to provide in their own way for the plan that is in the works now and each one of you is being prepared and readied for that next portion, that next part to play here. Each one of you has been here many times before with many lifetimes here on this planet and many existences long before this planet. You have been on many missions. The Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, all of this is familiar to you. It is not something that is unknown, it is very familiar and it is being readied again for you to be a part of when you are ready.
Everyone on this planet will be effected, to some degree, by open contact with peaceful extraterrestrials. Therefore, it was very important that all the people of Earth be given a chance to vote on this matter. Our future relationship with peaceful people from other planets should not be controlled, or interfered with, by a minority of elite leaders on Earth.
On this week’s episode of UFO Mountain (http://UFOMountian.com) James Gilliland describes seven steps to positive ET contact. The weekly online UFO documentary series explores ET contact at the ECETI Ranch and the reported UFO base inside of Mt. Adams. A renowned UFO videographer and contactee, James Gilliland is the founder of Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (ECETI). ECETI has facilitated contact events for thousands of people from around the world at the ranch facility near Mt. Adams, Washington.
Watch UFO Mountain: Rider of the Cosmos on YouTube:
In his exclusive on camera segment, James Gilliland outlines seven steps to positive ET contact on UFO Mountain. “In order to make a positive contact we have to rise to the occasion. We have to have an open mind, a loving heart and pure intent. We don’t need to be rocket scientists. We just have to have that desire to live in harmony with each other and the planet and be in ‘service mode’.”
The “idea” of this article came to me, simply by sitting on the bus, and suddenly this Strong feeling emerged from within. I could not “think” it away and I could not in any logical way get rid of it. I tried to be with it, by allowing it, and it became even stronger, and suddenly my heart knew what to do, to simply take deep breaths, focusing on the in and out breath, through the nose.
This simple act changed everything. It changed my “energy” and my inner pressure was released. We are such powerful beings and a lot of our “feelings” get stuck in our bodies due to “shallow” breathing.
There is a Strong Current of Intense Light Sweeping through our Hearts and Our planet. It’s like the most powerful water current you could imagine. Just imagine yourself trying to stop this natural current or trying to change the direction of this powerful current towards anything you believe is right.
The higher Stargates of Hyperspace ( Search for the Holy Grail )
Material channeled from "The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine" through Magenta Pixie.
All music by KEVIN MACLEOD All images by STOCK XCHNG
Video created and edited by Magenta Pixie
Very special thanks to my personal triggers for this communication - Jessica Woods/Magenta Pixie spiritual work/connection, energy work and connection with Azra Starseed and The Beloved I AM, Christ Within book by Rysa of the Gold Ring Game of Enlightenment and Abundance.
Because there was a death in my family, I haven’t recorded a www.BlogTalkRadio show since the 16th. I will return to the recording studio next week.
Summary of Brenda’s January 16, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: Evil spirits are Old Age fears. You’re creating a new play. How do you want to change your script to joy?
Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at www.Life Tapestry Creations.com: ”Why Haven’t You Been Called to Action?”
During a conversation Magenta is asked about the prophecy of the Three Days of Darkness. Here she conveys information she has received from "The Nine" regarding this prophecy.
Music "Time Passes" and "Dance Macabre" by Kevin Macleod - very special thanks to KEVIN MACLEOD of INCOMPETECH
All images by Stock Xchng
Video edited by Magenta Pixie and Catzmagick Productions
You probably don’t know me but, after spending the last 20 years of my life professionally researching and reporting on UFOs and extraterrestrials, I am announcing my retirement. During the past two decades, I attempted to work with the media to inform the public about this topic. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to educate the masses about aliens, there has been very-little progress.
Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Message To Humanity From God~
[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, let’s begin a message for the masses. [Sounds great, I am ready.]
To Humanity,
I Am. In this statement is My energy of One. God, or however you wish to label me, is a concept of One. One is only an instrument of My being-ness.
The perfection of you is the allowance that you are One, as am I. I Am.
Holographic lives of every parallel choice exist simultaneously. This is how complex our universe is. In the complexity is the simple origin of ‘I Am’.
Picturing the outcome of all your choices is a third dimensional experience. This serves your soul’s experience as many lessons are being learned in this manner. The finality of 3-D, for those who choose it, will usher in a new understanding.
These words are found in Genesis. They are not some magical syllables that God waved through the Universe. They are a key to using the Law of Cause and Effect successfully. “Let there be …” reveals a state of mind, an attitude we can adopt as we participate in the natural process of resolving issues in our lives. These words serve as a reminder not to force an issue, but to realize that Law responds to us naturally as we provide It with the consciousness we are seeking. Students often have a hard time letting go and trusting in their own consciousness. What they don’t realize is that they are always trusting, it just hasn’t occurred to them that they are trusting their fears and doubts.
We may trust what we call “God,” “Higher Power,” “life,” etc. Or we may trust our reason, our misgivings, our worst expectations. Once we recognize that we’re always in a state of trusting something, we may find it easier to shift from trusting something we don’t want to trusting something we do. Always initiate constructive action by thinking constructively, and then let it be. Release all struggle tied to what you desire to manifest. This trusting brings us the relief, peace, and efficiency of an aligned consciousness with the Natural flow of a Creative Process that has been responding to your consciousness all along. And this aligned consciousness is a real Presence and Power in the world.
To all who read this message, to all who strive to open their hearts and ever more so, to all who desire to participate in the ascension process, I have one single message: Trust and prepare yourself with the help of the ever growing incoming light and love energy from the Divine Abode.
Message from the Ashtar Command 2/8/12; SURRENDER OF THE CABAL!
by Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles
One thing your universal group needs to achieve here at this time is the reconciliation of past relationships with other universal groups. This is one area of this endeavor that is rarely discussed, but we feel this is very important for you to become aware of. We see how well so many of you are working together, and wish to thank you for your efforts in this regard.