Alright, my best inspiration is almost always in the early morning, which is why I do the videos at that time. I haven't been to bed yet; and I sit here pondering if I should do a video now or wait. Earlier, I went to hear my son play with a new band. I'm still a bit wound up at 1AM; and my normal waking time is not far off. This may be short; but I am going ahead and see what happens.
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, December 27, 2011
"Well, Good evening everyone! It is so wonderful to be here with you, to be here at this particular time, as you measure it. Upon your calendars you’re getting ready to open up new calendars because it’s the beginning.
Shifts into higher dimensions ~ Ascension Awareness Part 1 of 2
Message from Archangel Michael~ The Galactic Federation of Light
Messages received and shared here come from spirit and even though spirit utilizes human/personality channels - it is this group’s view that messages from spirit are never meant to elevate or be claimed by the singular. The universe works in accordance to each and every ones need - so if you are reading this you are meant to have it. Please share accordingly.
This is the first part of a two part broadcast from Archangel Michael– The Galactic Federation of Light and Sananda brought forth to expand Ascension Consciousness and the upcoming changes many will be experiencing in the coming shifts in the collective into higher octaves of dimensional awareness.
Archangel Michael: Peace be upon you beloved Ones, I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.
a message from Aluna Joy Yaxk'in Monday, 2 January, 2012 (posted 6 January, 2012)
Happy 2012 everyone! I can't believe it. 2012 is here... and so many of us have waited so long for this. I wanted to send you some inspiration as we begin this new and highly anticipated year. This is a year of great potential in which we can and will change the world, and ourselves as well. So at this most auspicious moment ... I wanted to offer you some words of wisdom from others that help me keep on keeping on. I hope these words of wisdom will give us all inspired creativity, and unified collective courage to face head on to what is coming in 2012. We face this new year with fearlessness and an unshakable inner knowing that we are indeed divine beings and are more than enough to make our dreams manifest.
The Photon Belt & Becoming A Galactic Human ~ 3 Days of Darkness?
You Are Becoming A Galactic Human: The Photon Belt
Excerpted from "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human" by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle channeling Sirian Council members ( )
You will first enter through what is called the null zone. This procedure will take roughly five to six days to complete including three days of total darkness.
Following this action, you will move into the main part of the belt itself and experience unending daylight (24 hours a day). This journey normally lasts around 2,000 years and ends when your solar system exit at the other end of the belt by going through the null zone exit for the same five to six day period.
Below are several screenshots of the event. Beginning on 12/24/2011 with the near pass by of Comet Lovejoy to planet Venus.
Then on the early start of 12/27/2011 UTC -- we see what looks like a "shockwave" erupt off Venus -- then flare into what looks like a large debris field ejected into space.
a message from Galactic Love Reporter Owen Waters Sunday, 1 January, 2012 (posted 6 January, 2012)
2012 is the Year of Transformation. On December 21st, 2012, several major cosmic cycles all converge and end on that very same day. Then, they all restart in one super-positive swing to the upside.
Get ready for the new cycles at the end of 2012 by saying goodbye to any outdated ‘baggage’ that you’ve been carrying around for too long. Downsize and simplify. Clear out the old physical clutter. If it’s too much bother to sell, give it to a good cause.
Clear out old emotional patterns that no longer serve you. People say there’s some kind of Murphy’s Law that says you can never change another person’s ways. Maybe they’re right so, if you’ve been trying to prove Murphy wrong, quit trying and see what a huge difference it can make in your life. It also helps to say, “In a hundred years, what would it matter any more anyway?”
Heaven Awaits Those with the Heart Open to Receive!
This is officially my last blog that I shall type out from my car!! Hurray!!! There are several things I want to share, so please bear with me if I seem to jump from subject to subject.
Reader Number 1: “Please keep us up to date with what is happening for you personally (vasanas and emotions). Some of us are more isolated than others and it’s such a relief to know that I’m not the only one feeling this way. Whenever you mention your presenting emotions/thoughts, it always directly echoes mine.”
Reader Number 2: “I’m finding, as we get closer into the changes, many in the community are expressing ‘egos’ and there appears to be a convergence between disinfo and real info. Witness Georgi’s ”attack’ on you, Ben Fulford’s attack on James Martinez (a synchronicity?). Witness O’Finouan’s attack on David. There’s just a lot playing out.”
FARSIDE BLAST: A magnetic active region behind the sun's eastern limb erupted during the late hours of Jan. 6th. SOHO recorded the flying debris. In a few days the blast site will rotate onto the Earthside of the sun for closer inspection. Stay tuned.
INCOMING CME? A magnetic filament in the sun's northern hemisphere erupted on Jan. 5th and hurled a CME in the general direction of Earth. At first it appeared that the cloud would sail north of Earth and completely miss our planet. Subsequent work by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab suggests a different outcome: the CME might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 7th. Click to view an animated forecast track:
NOAA forecasters are estimating a 20% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan 7-8 when the CME is expected to arrive. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Storm alerts: text, voice.