We have come to remind you of the earth’s present. There has been a call through these years. May the call of now reach those who are binding us against ourselves. May the call of now reach the yeses that are clamouring to be heard.
Begin to believe my love – through the centuries I reach to you.
I come before you to remind you of the presence of the earth. I come at this time to remind you of the vital nature of the earth. Never forget the vital nature of the earth. And the renewal we were promised. The gateway of a new horizon – this is of the 7th dimension, brought forth into this plane. Opening to the divine
Wake up Call ~ Collective Creation ~ 16 December 2011
There comes a time in everyone’s life when one has to stop and ask themselves, “Is all that I am hearing and reading in today’s media the truth?” That is when one comes to the realization that there is more than meets the eye and that it is time to listen to the voice within in order to be able to see the world from a place of the knowledge that there have been lies spread all over the world for all of time.
This is what is taking place now. There is coming to light the truth of what has been spreading all over the globe and in the hearts of so many people. There are those who have been awakening to the truths that are being kept secret for the purpose of gaining strength for those who would see the purpose of keeping the truth buried. It has been a journey through the sleepiness of those who chose to forget who they are, and what they are capable of doing in the energy of their own Godself. Those who have been sleeping are also beginning to awaken to their own reality and seeing it as being a long time in coming to the surface in the face of the real truth.
COMET LOVEJOY SURVIVES: Incredibly, sungrazing Comet Lovejoy appears to have survived its close encounter with the sun. Lovejoy flew only 140,000 km over the stellar surface during the early hours of Dec. 16th. Experts expected the icy sundiver to be destroyed. Instead, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the comet emerging from perihelion (closest approach) at least partially intact:
SDO also recorded Comet Lovejoy's entry into the sun's atmosphere: movie.
Comet Lovejoy began the week as a chunk of dusty, rocky ice some 200 meters in diameter. No one can say how much of the comet's core remains intact or how long it will hang together after the searing heat of perihelion.
We, of the Galactic Federation of Light are with you Now!!! Courage Now my Dear Friends! Rest well this night as you will need your strength and fortitude for the days ahead! BE Peace!
Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Wednesday December 14, 2011 8:47pm
I am Marduk. I come to you to tell you that I have been where your Dark Cabal is this night!
Because of this, I know what they are feeling. Their Dark Plans have become their Misdeeds in this reality. The law which they are enacting to constrain the People in ever more stringent ways will be their downfall as it was mine many eons ago. The repression that has befallen many countries on your world, has come to the doorstep of yours. (USA)
As the people wake up to the outrageous deeds that are being perpetrated on this “Land of the Free” there will be a great outcry to finally take back your nation from those who would Enslave you! Those who have sworn an oath to Defend your Constitution with their bodies will Do Just That! These courageous men and women will stand with you when the time is right.
I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love given the name of beauty. This quality is sublime in its manifestation and leaves One enriched, empowered and inspired. The quality of beauty and the appreciation of it is a gift unsurpassed in its effect upon the senses. It opens One to wonder, magic and expansion of the Soul in its efforts to reach beyond limitation. It fills One’s heart with hope and faith, for if there is beauty, then there is Love, constant and true.
Laura: Good morning Allendale, we have already had a private talk last night. You are a God level of consciousness Being, you are in fact a white hat half human and half alien in our 3D world. You are working directly with the Galactic Federation of Light. I am communicating with this person’s Higer Self, which identifies himself by the name of Allendale and you have expressed the wish in engaging communication through the TAUK group. Am I correct in all of the above? . Allendale: Right you are my dear! Allendale is a place where I like to hang around during my time off. I like this name, my real name is not possible to be understood by human standards. So Allendale is fine with me, dear one. . Laura: Fine, sure, this is perfect so! I understand you wish to give a few of us a message, so please go ahead. .
Faith can really move mountains if sufficient of you get together, and as you progress through the final year to Ascension, it will become more powerful and way beyond you present ability. Yes, Dear Ones you are in for quite a ride, but one that is very desirable and will fulfil your wishes to ascend. There will be a total mix of surprises, so be prepared to reconsider any long held beliefs. Some experiences will involve the Earth changes and depending upon where you reside, will determine how much you become involved. Most likely the known earthquake areas will be at the centre of such activities, but as you know the repercussions are usually felt some way from it. Whatever happens precautions will be taken to protect you, but it is your responsibility to look ahead and also be prepared.
COMET LOVEJOY UPDATE: Matthew Knight of the Lowell Observatory and JHU-APL reports: "As of 16:30 UT on Dec. 15th, Comet Lovejoy has reached magnitude -3, possibly brighter. It is starting to saturate SOHO images even with narrow filters and shorter than normal exposure times." The comet is now brighter than Jupiter, but not quite as bright as Venus. If these developments continue apace, Comet Lovejoy could become visible to the naked eye in broad daylight before the end of Dec. 15th. See the news item below for further discussion of this possibility.
BIG COMET PLUNGES TOWARD THE SUN: Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) is diving into the sun and furiously vaporizing as it approaches the stellar surface. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is recording the kamikaze plunge:
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We support those who are Bravely standing with us in the Truth. David is well known amongst the Lightworker Communities. In this Light of all of ours, we shine on him. We are sending Him some Extra Angels to guide him and Ben along their paths bravely ~ All Our Love~ Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff