Steve: I’ve asked people to share about Ascension-related lightwork from the last century. Pamela has sent along a share about her work with Cdr Zoraka and her studies of the Law of One.
I anticipate that her account of hearing from a being calling himself the “Prince of Darkness” may raise a few eyebrows. I have no sense that Pamela is speaking about Satan, the Devil or anything of the sort, but the higher being who manages the roles played by those who agree to offer resistance to the Light so that the game of duality can be played out. Of them SaLuSa says:
As the anticipation of the yuletide season heightens within the hearts of Humanity, there will come realizations within those hearts of the importance of Unity in family and love relationships.
The energies of today's full moon lunar eclipse are triggering a wave of increasing intensity that will extend into coming weeks and months, bringing about clearing and release at all levels. This gateway will also bring renewed opportunities to transform challenges into blessings, emotional barriers into unconditional love and unrealized visions into accelerated manifestations.
~ Poverty Consciousness In The Name Of Spirituality.......By Joshua David Stone......Ascended Master.~
I would imagine that the title of this chapter would be Spiritually intriguing to many of my readers, for I think a great many of you already know what I am talking about here. There is a very interesting small group of lightworkers in the Spiritual Movement who I am sure you all have come across who have "Total Poverty Consciousness in the Name of God or Spirituality"! What I mean by this is, this unconscious group of people are constantly trying to lay trips on people, telling them they should not charge for their Spiritual services. Now, we all know the real reason they are doing this is because they want your service but don't have any money! Since they are run by the negative ego, the negative ego is angry about this so it strikes with judgment to blame others for charging money for their Spiritual service. This is, of course, total self-delusion and self-deception, for they charge money for their service, they just don't want you to charge for yours. The most comical thing about this is, they try to use GOD to support their total poverty consciousness and judgmental and blaming energy and tone, which is also totally of the negative ego!
Salvador Russo ~ Alchemical Union: The Total Lunar Eclipse of December 2011 ~ 10 December 2011
TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: Today, Dec. 10th, the full Moon passed through the shadow of Earth, producing a total lunar eclipse visible across the Pacific hemisphere. Don Oberbeck sends this picture of the partially-eclipsed Moon setting behind the Rocky Mountains near Boulder, CO: courtesy of
The citizens of planet Earth are but hours away from a momentous event: the sixth and final eclipse of the 2011 calendar year. This one comes to us as a total lunar eclipse in the House of Gemini and its influence will be profound and far reaching, extending well through the Spring of 2012. By understanding the nature and purpose of this event we can more effectively align ourselves with the Cosmic Order, and thus, quicken our spiritual ascent on personal and collective levels. Without
The past moves forward gracefully illuminating paths far yet to come singing truth and whispers of the evers knowing that here is far from all that can be knowing that what is, has beauty truly knowing that the stars have more telling yet waiting to begin
The future does not want for more than what is given our being, every nature, soft and strong and our ancestors, dancing, falling, reaching and our children, standing, singing, teaching we are the intermediary minds we are the here nows, the thens, the will bes
Light, the same energy as Love, is the way to Peace, Harmony and Balance within each individual and in your world.
This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. Each year this season in your world is especially emotional, when the fortunate could look forward to exchanging gifts, decorating homes, attending religious services, perhaps traveling to celebrate with family or awaiting visitors. For them, this season has offered enjoyment and merrymaking. For the less fortunate, those who were grieving or sick, lonely, hungry or homeless, feelings of sadness and despair were amplified.