Beloved Ones, Greetings once again from the celestial realms.

With the rapid process of ascension underway, some of you are feeling a bit lost or out of control, with so much occuring around, increases in energies, increases in the spates of departing souls from your physical plane, and many other daily circumstances around each and everyone of you.You beloved ones are indeed on a path to bring in this higher consciousness and energy for the upliftment of yourself, the planet and every particle around you. This higher energy is changing the much dominated masculine energy into a softer, feminine energy- it is the divine Godess energy. We ask you to embrace this energy into your entire beings, as it is much needed.
YES even you warrior types and deeply masculine beings need to learn to honour and accept the divine feminine inside of you. For it is the bringing back of the wholeness of your integral energy matrixes now and the expression and fullfilment of this feminine energy that brings magickal, nutruring, careing and intuitive abilities.