Living In a Whole New Light Garden Rich for Growing!

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Living In a Whole New Light Garden Rich for Growing! Lisa Gawlas



I swear someone must have put “clear and bright” drops in my eyes when I awoke yesterday.  I had 4 back to back readings yesterday, and, thank you dear god, each one was done as if they were the first session of the day…. with full psychic battery juice!  Maybe because the Light in which I am now reading, short of miraculous.  Keep in mind (smile) I am reading YOUR Light!!  Your field of Life.

There is so much I want to share, bear with me if I seem to ramble, the understandings are so rich and varied that I am not sure I can create a smooth segue to each topic.


One of my readings yesterday was once again a wonderful lady who has been in my meditation classes.  My heart is always so humbled to watch you seek our your own mastery, your own codes of spiritual power.  And she indeed is a master of the earth… deep in the heart of Gaia.


Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels And Ann ~ 3 March 2012

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Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels And Ann ~ 3 March 2012



(c) Photograph  on the left by  -   Ann Albers 2012.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Open your heart to receive this very great energy coming into your planet earth right now and stop worrying about what your neighbors are doing. It is human nature to compare and contrast yourself to others but in reality, God made each one of you unique and beautiful. Each one of you has unique perspectives, different gifts, talents, and points of view. So much time and energy is wasted in humanity trying to “get” others to agree with you. If we had our way in the heavens, each of you would simply express your perspectives with love and then release any need for agreement whatsoever. In doing so you would sort yourselves out so easily. You would quickly realize which souls are in harmony with your spirit and which ones are not. You would find your places with those of like mind and like heart and allow others to do the same.


Maureen Moss: Message from Spirit~ The End of Suffering

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Maureen Moss: Message from Spirit


From Spirit Through Maureen Moss and
You are amongst the last generation of a 26,000 year cycle. You are amongst the first that will wake up on the other side of the conscious membrane that defines the two cycles of the human experience at the end of 2012.


Who you allow yourself to authentically become, what template you choose to inhabit, human or Divine, what heart and mind you chose, yours or Mine to think and feel through by the close of this cycle, is what you will carry and live with on the New Earth for a very long time.


Each choice you take matters deeply now. Each thought you hold, matters deeply now. Raising your vibration, consciously, daily matters deeply now. Choose well. Choose with love, with presence, with conscious care of yourself.


Starseeds: The Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension

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Starseeds: The Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension

2012 March 3
Posted by BZ Riger

Reposted from Aug. 25, 2011

by Steve Beckow


“The souls who came from fourth, fifth and higher density worlds specifically to assist Earth in her ascension—when their mission is completed, they will return to their homelands.” (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.)

“You will only leave the Earth before Ascension if it is already within your plan, so it is necessary that you understand each soul has chosen its path to the next stage of its evolution.” (SaLuSa, Dec. 31, 2010.)


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

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Blessed Ones, that you are! We are the Arcturians!
It is probably not known to you, or at least only very few know, what these geomagnetic storms in reality are. You have all kinds of explanations for them, and they are mostly correct from your point of view. But they describe only an aspect of what is happening. There are still a lot of mysteries which you and your mainstream scientists have not yet understood.
These magnetic storms are of course triggered by your sun’s activities, but there are still major gaps in your knowledge, regarding the sun’s functions and the reality of its consciousness, which is also the reason that there is so far not a valid name for it available to you.

2012 ~ REBOOTING THE SYSTEM The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy

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The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy
Sedona AZ (USA)
February 29 (leap year), 2012

It is becoming clear now, regarding the energies of this year of 2012, that we have the critical point on our evolution. We all have been waiting for this time. This is our time. As old souls, incarnated and still ones un-manifested in this physical reality, we come at these precarious junction points, at the end/beginning of ages, because we absolutely love it.

Sekhmet ~ "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise of Empowerment

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Sekhmet ~ "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise of Empowerment

2-21-12 Ashtar Teleconference

"Greetings Beloved Ones! It is I, Sekhmet! We have asked for that particular music,* so that you would feel - yes, breathe - Peace, Joy! It is to be uplifted in the Joy of your own spirituality, your connections, and it transcends whatever you might know of religions. And it simply moves you up into that high vibration called Love.


The manuscript of survival ~ part 95 March 2012 Aisha North Deep Cleansing Underway~

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 95

March 2012 Aisha North Deep Cleansing Underway~


Let us continue this saga by delving more into the emotional upheaval so many of you are currently experiencing. As we have stated in earlier transmissions, this period will indeed be amongst the most challenging ones for you, and the reason for that is the barrage of mental detritus that is currently surfacing for many of you. This will come in many shapes and forms, but what they have in common is a feeling of undermining your personal conviction to the point of almost surrendering yourselves into a flood of helplessness.



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