When reconnected your guide sometimes have ideas or jobs for you. So two weeks ago it send me to the candles in the supermarket and places with lower priced candles. Allright so i buy some to experience the deeper reason. Now the last days are somewhat dark, foggy and clouded that i can have breakfast or read a book in the bathtub with candlelight.
Ron Paul retired with a famous speech at congress, we all should think about. A brilliant collection of questions, you can check your own conditioned beliefs with them. Just listen and find answers.
You have heard from quantum physics, that the watcher influence his experiment. This is the base of the noosphere network, that is gauging the global consciousness since years. Worth a look, enjoy.
The field of energy around is growing, feeling dozed most time to visualize instead of thinking. Sometimes it feels like a alarm clock, giving order to visualize and receive higher self multidimensional perspective in addition. This results to the full movie, far away from fragmented thinking.
This feels so amazing, this is so easy. Visualize your part and get additions, look what's inside a room before you open the door. Take a clear look for your creations before they impact other peoples.
Higher self guide my way, show me the right path, flood me with your light. Let's create life together, be aligned with me.
One of the effective ways to make humans laugh, is to tell them the truth bout their conditions. That triggers the ego naysayer, switch up the cognition firewall and dissolve the reality. So all columnists and comedians make pretty money with our unconsciousness. Read this, laugh about or feel the inner resonating request "we should change this conditions".
What would happen if we intercepted a report from an intergalactic space probe expedition that has been collecting data on Planet Earth for some time and have actually interviewed one of our inhabitants? Here’s the report and interview in all its objective glory.
To: Intergalactic council
From: 2012 Intergalactic space probe expedition
Mission: Probe and Analyze planet XY7-2 / EARTH and Life Forms
Report: Once again, we have penetrated to within 2400 miles of Planet Earth and are currently holding and awaiting your instructions. (See telephoto of Earth and its Moon )
We have had the opportunity for some time to extensively analyze the predominant life forms that inhabit this planet and once again present the following observations ~ but this time we have also landed one of our crew members on the planet and have a rare nine minute video interview with one of these ‘humans’ regarding their government.
Remember, Fulford told us so a few weeks ago. If existing banking is fraudulent and corrupt, then setup your own banking system. Next step maybe their own money. This gives more pressure to evolve for the fed banksters.
India's BRICS Bank proposal to top agenda at Delhi summit
This is a very easy thing to check your awaken state double brain frequencys, take a look for the symbols till a third one in the middle appears. In every blink of an eye you see the left or right colors in the middle column too. With both eyes you should see solid purple, the quality of the solid color shows the shifting frequency of the brain sides. Works best when this was printed on a full page. Get better with training, gives pretty dream effects when used before sleeping.
Last summer the divine sends me dreams from earlier incarnations, for short moments i got the point to listen to my ego speaking. That was such a brilliant delight in life, that i took eckhart tolle's practice to degrade the ego to the backseat. Three weeks within this practice reaches the point when the ego dissolve, a very amazing inner silence took place. This is a really new horizon in cognition without the mind firewall. Now i really understand jim carrey's "amazing feeling".