Arin Zane's blog

Beings of Earthen origin that is incarnated to a Humanoid Form

Arin Zane's picture

Channel Z

I, Z come to inform the populus of the Galactic inter-communcations council that all articles edited from truth are carefully scrutinized by the Cosmic Board of Communications and the Alliance for Truth.

All come here as eternally seekers of the Devine Masculine and Feminine Love unification projects and coded within, these truths are clarity, effort, fairness and inate Love of the Creators of this wonderful Earth, "Gaia" and all inhabitants stationed or uninvited beings will be allowed to know that Peace and Love are the complete mantras of all KIND.

I go in Peace, Love and with the Flow of Energy that comes from the sacred geometric formula of this design.

All are One.

The Consciousness of Perfect Love may it be so that all will understand and know.


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