
SaLuSa ~ 14 February 2011

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SaLuSa  14-February-2011


You have come a long way in your evolution to have reached this point in time. This cycle has been one where you have touched the depths of darkness, yet in spite of the experiences you have gone through, have found your way back to the Light. On the one hand it would not do to have a complete recall of what you have gone through, but if you had you would fully appreciate what a magnificent achievement it has been. You are not so to say out of the woods yet, but with a better understanding of what remains before Ascension, you should successfully cope with it. Those unawakened souls that see only doom and gloom can be forgiven for dropping into moods of despair, without seeing hope for the future.


LOVE - Feb 15th Ascension Energy Tools Free Call

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So many of us carry around programming that tells us we are not worthy, we are not good enough, and who could love me.  We will be turning lemons into lemonade on this teleconference by sharing ideas, and connecting with the LOVE that YOU ARE on all levels and learning how you can raise your vibrations and harness this power of Love to bring about the creations that are within your heart.

Loving and believing in your self, trusting your inner voice, supporting your inner child, and loving your ego into the back seat on this journey is all part of the preparation for our Ascension. 

“I AM a fabulous creator of unlimited proportions now, and I take control of my destiny to be perfectly balanced in all of my being, and I AM so powerful in manifesting the clearing and healing for myself in all area of my life.”

MASTER KUTHUMI & LORD HILARION ~ Integrating a New Energetic Level

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Integrating Into The New Energetic Levels

I Kuthumi and Lord Hilarion come to share with you knowledge, peace and love. We here are all aware of the stirrings of the great energy Gaia ( Earth) as she seeks to cleanse old energies, and prepare for the new. This is similar to what mankind must also undertake. Some have begun, some are merely thinking about the whole idea, others have completed, let go and are ready and waiting to step into the new energy fields almost upon you. Lord Hilarion will continue.

So we, the Council of Light are gathered, offering our assistance for As above- So below to become complete reality for all. To help you ease comfortably into the new energies I wish to take you back to your childhood. This was a time when you could play, have fun, freely laugh and also cry when you fell or were hurt by another’s words. As you cried you innocently released the pain. Then it was gone and very soon you were playing and laughing again. This was a time of being always present without thoughts of responsibility, pressure or control. You were simply present. Concerned with what you wanted at each moment. That want could be a ball, a drink, or just to explore the world of your own back yard. Do you remember?

Make Believe

SAUL ~ Enormous Changes are in the offing

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There is an air of excited expectancy abroad.  Humanity is sensing that enormous changes of great importance, which will bring about great and much needed alterations in your attitudes and behaviors, are in the offing.  This is not wishful thinking!  What you are to experience is far beyond your present capabilities to conceive of, and will bring immense improvements to the ways you live and relate to one another worldwide.  It is to be a time of momentous wonder for all on Earth, and it is a time to which you have been looking forward with hope and intense desire for eons.

KAREN BISHOP ~ Miraculous Times

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Miraculous times

 11 February 2011
Channeler: Karen Bishop

February 9, 2011

Hello everyone!

I wanted to send out this brief message, as I thought it was important in this unprecedented time. We are making some great progress moving into a new reality and higher dimensional experience, and the experiences it creates are worth noting, as they can be crazy making and strange at best.

In this year of 2011, we are moving through the portal of the 11 gates, leaving much behind. In this way, with the advent of the 11th of each month, and much to do with 11 gates generally speaking, we get thrust ever forward in small bursts, moving closer into our new spaces, until eventually, we are finally there in every way.

A Special Message from SALUSA

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A special message from SaLuSa

 10 February 2011


A special message from SaLuSa

Channeller: SaräAmma

This is SaLuSa, my child, and so it Is. I would like to come to you before, but evidently, your mistrust generated a bit of trouble, because you believe it was impossible I could come up to you, and that troubled my communication with you.

But I want you to know that I am seeing your work, and we are delighted with what you are doing and I had in mind to come to you to convey a message to Mankind. And before you proceed, I want to tell you that this will not be the last time I’ll do that because I want to reach as many people as possible and through the largest number of channels available, as we are at revealing times, we are in critical times and we need the greatest collaboration and cooperation from all Lighworkers on Earth.

SAUL ~ Your chakra system is being enhanced

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As humanity awaits its wake-up call to enter into its fully-conscious state of being, much is going on that, in your unawakened state, you are unaware of. Your bodies are being prepared to enable them to operate smoothly and easily with the more powerful energies that your fully-conscious state requires, and that your bodies will provide.  Your whole chakra system is being enhanced, which entails much, very complex renovation and modification.  This has to be done with great care so that your bodies, which of course are also part of the illusion, do not go into shock.

ST.GERMAIN's Feb 8 Freedom Exercise

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We are asked to send this to you with a request that you join in doing this Exercise.  Tomorrow (Friday, 2-11-11) it is expected that the biggest crowd yet of freedom-seeking protestors will be in Tahrir Square, Cairo.  Let's send them our Lovelight in support of their cause, along with Peace to all of Egypt and the World beyond!  Thank you and Namaste!


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