aKuna's blog

What Is This RING-PASS-NOT ? on 8/25th

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Constantly the universe is pushing, right now whatever your personal format is for releasing the stuff that no longer serves you, your going to find there is some personality trait it's energy is attempting to transform. Like for me it's an unconditional level of compassion gone astray till it's become self destructive creating my own hell. It's negativity is beyond negative, with depression from anger by doing this to the self. In the 3D world any choices for change are all convoluted with social convention, and relationship structure making it that much harder, as they are really only a damned if you do damned if you don't catch 22, because any choice is going to bring the pain you've been avoiding by not stepping outside the boundary of the 3D Matrix Blueprint.. These types of woundings  close us off through the flight/fight survival mechanism, they are the ones creating emotional blocks forming from stagnated energy which ceases to flow beyond that certain point where we choked off. Eventually this energy back-up thickens till it has no place to go but out showing itself as physical mental or emotional disease. (our Karmic Lot as it's called)

Physical Events Creating A Spiritual Evolution

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People all over the internet are fearmongering, Don't fall for it!  Don't fall for their ego based hype as ego is in a state of chaos in it attempt to hang on to the old paradigm programing it had built to survive in.What is occurring is what WE as collective oneness planed by agreement to usher in a new higher vibrational frequency knowing it would be necessary for us to forget who we were and the task in order to remember and raise vibration to the  harmonic level of  this new cycle. You are responsible for even creating cosmic bodies and their transiting energy as part of this co-creative of effort of the Oneness we are. All this serves the purpose of continuing the exponential expansion of the energy field of Source which all things are.

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