Astara's blog

Being... Thankful

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I am thankful that I can Be thankful without considering a reason to be thankful. Reliance on a reason is confining. I want to be thankful therefore I am thankful. And in some dark spaces that is called for. Therefore neither the outside or even the inside is my director. I am my director.
Not things, circumstance, or emotion. Choice. 12:12
And I am therefore neither the outside or the inside.

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We See You

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Many of us get concerned, whether we say it or not, that we will remain alone, that others are not aware that we feel that way. We ARE aware of it. Particularly many people on the leading front of the higher frequency path, do not have a community or family or people to relate with, even among others on the path.



We are also in… a holding period as others join us in holding at higher frequencies. As more and more let go of the collapsing of the old world that appears before them, the illusion.

All of the issues, we do see them. And they will fall the more we let go of them.

They are a tree without roots.


Unity Beyond Drama: Accelerated Awakening and a game of Dimensional Hopscotch

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There is no “cabal”.
There is only us.
This is the next step of realization.
It is a dramatization of truth but not the last layer of truth we will see. It is a stepping stone in awakening.
I believe that it is a phase that can be skipped.
Some would choose it some would not, if given the option.
It is not of the 5th dimension.
It is a further leap to take. (To skip passed. Dimensional hopscotch.)
It is eyes open but not fully ¹.

Seeing light by way of dark, a reflection, indirect. The method of using the poison as the remedy. But not the final state of vitality.

Acknowledgement of a “cabal” causes people to form together and begin to feel as though they are on the same team – a unifying.
But it is not seeing the way in which the story is playing out.
It is a gentle transition for consciousness – from oppressed, to less oppressed, to not oppressed – but is still in the transition.

What do you do with naughty children? You monitor them… and tickle them so that they too can open their eyes.
Eyes do not close and pretend nothing is amiss.
But eyes also do not close to the only real option being love, not opposition ².

Opposition is a momentary step… it is the “no no” one says to themselves before the onset of the real work, the tickling.
The redirection of energy, of movement.
To light.


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