My name is BBoverco. I hope to encourage and inspire people who are trying to overcome some challenge in their lives. In December of 1989 I was driving home for the Christmas break of my first year in college. I fell asleep (something I would not recommend), went across the median to the highway, and was hit by a car traveling the other way. I sustained a closed head injury (a.k.a. traumatic brain injury) because my head was shaken around so violently in the accident.
Then, I lay in a coma for 14 weeks. By the grace of God I woke up in late March 1990. I stayed in Baylor Hospital for awhile, and, sometime in the spring of 1990, was transferred to Baylor Rehab., where I began an extensive rehabilitation program. And, believe you me, when I write extensive, that is exactly what I mean. I had 2 sessions a day with a physical therapist, 2 with an occupational therapist (to reteach me to do everyday things like eating), 1 with a speech therapist, and 1 with a neuropsychologist. I left Baylor Rehab. in August 1990. Then, I lived at my parents' house and went to outpatient therapy until the end of 1990.