Billie Jean's blog

Love is all

Billie Jean's picture

The power to create a better world is not found in heaven or on earth... rather... it depends on choices put into action made by those with the insight and bravery to look upon the world with out selfishness.

This is one of my favorite quotes, and it seems rather appropriate today and this grand shift takes hold, and help's in manifesting the golden age of peace.

The possibilities are endless if we understand what we are creating in this world, on this earth, through out the universe ... unconditional love, peace and joy. Letting to of the fear and the what if's. and believing whole heartily that WE are all here, to do these works, manifesting our hearts desires into this world.

Similarly we are here to end the negative influences around us, the daily bombardment of discontent through the Media , weather it be from our New's programming , Television shows. individuals who wish to influence us on a different path, or obstacles placed in your way, it is all programming designed to keep us all living in the past, in fear and in continual discontent.

It is time to let go, stop feeding your energy into the dark, and begin today if you have not already seeing a wold of absolute joy and harmony.

Ignore those people and things that wish to take you off your path... Stay complete and whole on your journey, hold your dreams close to your heart, as they say, be in love with love.

Over the next few days... I see those things that now,no longer serve us, falling away, and those who have prayed for the collective, seeing unity of all, sharing of all, commitment to all, feeling the boundaries pushed for the final times.

It is now time....ignore the dark, these are their last choking breaths,their time of desperation, ignore them... send them love and send them on their way... Hold fast to your dreams, wishes and prayers... this is your time, this is OUR time as we create a world in unity and love...

Finding the path

Billie Jean's picture

( From the strange mind of ....ME ♥)

Life seemed so easy for Dorothy and Toto don't you think? Picked up in a whirl wind of energy and dropped right in the path she needed to follow to find her way home.

Oh there were lions and tigers and bears on her walk and flying monkeys to derail her, and who could forget the evil witch so full of the anger and bitterness of her life, wishing to be someone special and all it would take was a beautiful pair of red sparkly shoes... But wait... doesn't that sound like all of us?

We know our path and we know in all of this energy and it sure feels like we are being spun into unconsciousness doesn't it???

But we forget that ALL we need to do is allow it to take us exactly where we belong, just like Dorothy did, when she went in her room, holding Toto tight and resigned her self to being sucked up in to the vortex... but we are so afraid to go there, to believe, it even exists. That place over the rainbow .

We dance around with the lollipop kids, get our hair and nails done, look in amazement at the horse of a different color, and call on Glenda the good witch to remind us that we really do have the power to go home to the place we know we are always loved.

We just need to see it!

How simple is that?

We have our own lions and tigers and bears, that create this fear in us, and like Dorothy seek those to walk with us, to guide us and to help us see,we are never alone.

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