Bogoeski's blog


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When we talk about health, we should mention asparagus. If you didn’t know, asparagus is one of the oldest recorded vegetables that is thought to have originated along the coastal regions of eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor areas. Asparagus is now grown as a major commercial crop in China, Europe, Peru, Australia, and the USA.

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Hot Boiled Water – The Most Inexpensive Medicine

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According to Ayurveda, regular use of hot boiled water makes stronger the immune system, gives strength and energy.

In our region, but also in the East, the use of hot drinking water it goes without saying.

In Russia, Ukraine and other similar countries “kipyatok” is constantly kept in thermos and it is normal to drink instead of cold water.

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Graviola Kills Malignant Cells of 12 Cancer Types

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Haven’t you heard of graviola, yet? This plant is a new big “hit” of natural medicine, and news of it disseminate at lightning speed.

Graviola (Annona muricata) is an evergreen plant native to Central and South America.

Graviola (soursop) has a pleasant, sweet flavor that compares with a combination of pineapple and strawberries with a creamy note similar to coconut or banana.

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Only One Way to Build Perfect Healthy Body

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Nothing can be done in a minute and even sexiest models are photo-shopped to perfection, removing any cellulite, increasing bust size and very often removing inches from their bodies.

See bellow some healthy diets that will help you to get wanted weight and healthy body:

Food for obtaining and maintaining muscle mass:

MENU no. 1

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