Four days ago a shift occurred in my inner reality. I have struggled with the words in which to describe this change. Let me start at the beginning and share the experience with you. You know how I love my experiences and how I love even more dishing about them to you.
So I have been taking this Hypnotherapy course which I absolutely love. I am learning how to slow my mind down and how to drop at will into different states of consciousness. Every Thursday evening I meet my guide online and my mind is filled with glorious knowledge. I drink it in like a dehydrated plant. This past Thursday was no different.
That is until we rearranged an aspect of my mind.
Sounds kinda freaky hey? I love my weirdness. The weirder something is the more I am on board with convincing you its actually normal and your the weird one. But I gotta tell you the action taken that evening to remove my inner critic was way beyond real in such a freaky unreal way.
First what is the inner critic? As I explained in a testimonial I left on Dwaine Hartman's site, it is that inner voice that whispers nasty things in your ear. It's that voice that would reprimand me about all the sugar I ate the day before. The voice that would doom my day before I even got out of bed. It was that nagging feeling that I just wasn't good enough. It was the energy that robbed my self confidence. An aspect of oneself that keeps the light and love out of your reality.
The inner critic is that dark cloud that keeps you asleep and from Love.
I was allowing my inner critic to drop me back into depression. I had let her have full reign again and Dwaine helped me remove her. The process was an.... odd one, even for me.... Queen of Odd.