Bunnywillow16's blog

A lifetime walking alone

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I sat down and read a blog from a lighted gentleman yesterday who shared a part of his story and thought maybe I could share a small bit of my own, but immediately upon beginning my blog, huge amounts of emotion flooded my perceptions until I gave up, there was simply to much water under the bridge. I spent years speaking to other people as a child and teenager about the extraordinary gifts, beings,dimensions the lighted brotherhood, and eventually stopped because of the judgements, sometimes angrily directed at me. One example would be when I was about 12.


My parents wanted us to be able to choose for ourselves what religion ment to us so they took us to different church's to try on. One in particular I joined a bible youth group, hoping to meet and make some friends, (not an easy task for the light workers), but found when question and answer time came it appeared that my sort of questions were not welcome at all, for instance, "my own father would not throw me into a fire pit just because I did something wrong, why would God, who is above such things?"


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