cindyloucbp's blog

A Superior Valentine Day Prayer

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Let’s all send our LOVE collectively to Source on Valentine Day, February 14, 2014. Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie woman who channels those who are not of this frequency, is urging ALL of us to collectively send our LOVE asking for a sign from “out there” encouraging us to stand fast and not weaken in the face of continued uncertainty and loss of personal freedoms worldwide.

This collective invocation will happen at 0900 in Brisbane, Australia. The respective times in other areas of the world are given as well as a pre-written invocation that states our collective LOVE and desire to know the truth. Please read details in this link:

Please join us as we all collectively send our thoughts to those who are with us spiritually, but not physically…yet!



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Yesterday, I wrote about JOY being the result of LOVE. It doesn’t matter if you are giving LOVE or the lucky recipient receiving LOVE for each time LOVE is given, or received, JOY is produced.

Actually, staying in a state of LOVE keeps JOY embedding into our psyche and then, well…you just kind of sparkle! I can only relate to me and my experiences and as I grow in LOVE and maintain a more-or-less constant feeling of LOVE…I just kind of shine.

People keep asking me, why are you so happy? I don’t really know how to answer them except to say that I AM in LOVE! I AM blazingly, gloriously and abundantly in love…with ME and that has lead me to bask almost continuously in a state of JOY because I LOVE!

Yes, yes I have bills to pay and yes, people are annoying at work, but my life is kind of turning around due to my LOVE. I now find myself in synchronous and fortunate events. I AM manifesting right and left! This is a tremendous realization for me and I AM so enjoying FEELING “on top of the world”!

Perhaps this blog can infer what I AM feeling and why:

Any advice I can offer is to find and be in LOVE with yourself. The best is yet to be!


cindyloucbp (

Moving from anger into LOVE!

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Anger…everyone gets angry…it’s part of being human. The only beings I am aware of that never experienced anger were Mr. Spock and Data on Star Trek! Well, ok…they are not really human, but humanoids. In getting back to anger, what pushes people into anger? And let’s not forget about the variations of anger such as disappointment, being emotionally hurt, getting pissed off, becoming heated, disgruntled, infuriated, furious, and indignant which drives people into a negative frenzy.

We have a LOT of words to define our sense of anger and I suspect this is because anger is so darn common on our world so let’s examine anger. At this point, I want all to know that I AM NOT a trained psychologist, merely an avid observer and these comments are my own observations and reflections.

Why do people get angry? In my opinion, anger is a direct reaction to fear, so when we are exposed to something we fear…one of our first reaction is to become angry about that fearful situation. Anger then causes adrenalin to be produced, which is evolutions answer to fear producing events. You know, the old “fight or flight” response that produces anger at someone/something else instead a throwing a spear at a mammoth!You know the signs of the body’s response to anger…flushed face, loud voice, taut muscles and negative energy just flows out of the body.

Ok, that’s an explanation of anger from a physiological stand point, so let’s talk about the emotional aspect of anger that ties into considering a spiritual aspect of anger. A lover’s tiff; they are mad at each other sometimes without apparent reason, so what’s going on? As the lovers yell at each other, underneath it all, they are fearful of something deep underneath it all. One might be afraid of their lover leaving them and of being alone again, the other lover might be afraid of finances, of not “having enough”. Fear from individual issues produces anger, sometimes justified…sometimes seemingly not.

LOVE is ALL there is...!

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HI Folks,

Galactic Free Press has been a wonderful doorway to realising my need for and BEING love! I AM a private kind of person, but have begun a blog about LOVE that you may care to read. Many of my postings have had their beginning with an article on GFP that caught my attention. If you are interested (and I hope that you are), please go to I promise no to sell you anything....but LOVE!


Last days of 3D confirmed...

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Now I AM quite certain that we are in the last days of 3D life. A personal situation has developed for me (re-emergence of meth-head brother-in-law) that is testing my own focus.
Initially, I was indignant and my psyche was "at attention" with all kinds of negative vibes and imagined negative scenarios! But, after about one hour, I started FEELING glimmers of positivity and now have received assurance from my higher self that, no matter what happens as this situation plays out, I AM ok and will be OK! in my future. Is this a last scenario of negativity that is being released from me? I think that it is!
What a wonderful release for me! Now...I will focus  imagining my stressed-out husband being and feeling better as well as this situation will all work out in a positive way.
Galactic Free Press is such in important site for lightworkers to hold near and dear to their heart = LOVE = Earth!


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