Dana's blog


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A big

                                         THANK YOU

to all Elemental beings who did their best to save us from the big floods.

 They prevented a massive damage in my little village through all the rain we got within 48 hours and more.

If I ever doubted to be protected (what I never did), these pictures were the “proof” that

                            WE ARE NEVER ALONE.

THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart, to the Elves, Fairies, Nymphs, Angels and all spirits of the Earth and Forest.



With much LOVE  from the bottom of my heart


*GODDESS ISIS tells about her true life´s story*

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Namasté my dear Light-family!

Two weeks ago someone asked me about Goddess Isis and her life´s story. I always had a very deep connection to Goddess Isis and so I tried to tell this guy about what I intuitively knew or felt about her.

It was not enough for him and so I sat down and asked her, if she could tell about her life and her experiences.

This is it, what she had to tell about it:




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I am still so excited that I wanted to share this amazing experience with you, my dear Lightfamily.

On Wednesday night, it was around 01.00 in the morning, I had a long talk with my twinflame about be able to see him physical and what I could do that this can happen.

Anyway, before I got an answer I fell asleep and had a "weird" dream.

In the middle of this dream I woke up - at least a bit. One half still slept and the other half was very aware what happened in my bedroom.

I notized many Lightbeings around me - members of different Starsystems and perhaps Ascended Masters.

This wasn´t the first time that I got a visit during the night, but this time it was weird because some of them had a kind of "I-pad" in their hands. (I didn´t find another comparison to this "thing".) They typed all the time, then looked at me with a nice smile and typed again something into this kind of I-pad.

At this moment I got the feel as my body stood in flames and my legs got pretty hot.

They notized my confusion and one of this Lightbeings started with an explanation to me:


Dana's picture

                                        MERRY CHRISTMAS



May this Christmas be a very special one and may the unconditional divine Love spread around this beautiful blue planet, called Mother Gaia.


We are all ONE, we are all ONE HEART!


Much *LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE and HARMONY* to everyone here on this planet and in the whole universe.


From the bottom of my HEART







Dana's picture

Holy Heaven! Since a while I am very deep in my emotions.

Right now I watched "Christmas in Vienna" in the TV (a tradition in my country) and suddenly the emotions slopped over.

The vibrations in my living room raised enormous and reached the top when the orchestra began with Händel´s Hallelujah.


Tears ran down my face, my heart leaped in my chest like crazy and suddenly I got the feel that I had many visitors in my living room. Behind me, above me, on both sides of me I could feel the presence of lots of Angels. And they sang together with the choir and the soloists.

This was sooooo incredible!

Well, I experienced this not the first time, but this time it was so intense, as walls, windows and the roof didn´t exist anymore. Everything was wide and at the same moment... ONE.


Dana's picture

Namasté my dear Lightworker family, Light warriors, Starseeds, Wayshowers,..!

21st of December, what a magical day. :-)

Pure energies, pure Love, pure Light! The joy runs through my veins, my heart leaps like never before, peace and calmness fills my whole being.

Outside the snowflakes dance to the incredible song of Love which Mother Nature sings.

Every single snowflake joins in to sing and spread the Joy.

Love is everywhere... inside and outside.

What a wonderful gift we got today.

Thank you Father/Mother God, ALL THAT IS, our Great Creator from the bottom of my heart that I can experience this wonderful gift.


JOY to the WORLD and every living being on Mother Earth and in the Universe!



Dana's picture



I see you

I see you



Dana's picture



Can you feel it?

Can you see all the Light and Love in a child´s smile?

Can you see all the Light and Love in the children´s eyes?

Can you feel all the Love and Light around you?

Can you feel all the wonderful changes around you and within you?

Can you feel how the Light and Love opens your heart?

Can you feel how the Light and Love within you opens the hearts of your sisters and brothers?

Can you feel how the Light and Love within you changes your environment?


I see all the Light and Love in a child´s smile.

I see all the Light and Love in the children´s eyes.

I feel all the Love and Light around me, even though sometimes it can be hard.

I feel all the wonderful changes around me and within me.


Dana's picture


My dear Lightworker family, today I have a question to all. ;)

Last night, from the 25th to the 26th of November I woke up at 02.00 am GMT because a strange sound didn´t let me sleep. It was a kind of metallic sound and the closer it came, the more changed it into a kind of "motorbike - sound" on a high level.

First I thought that maybe this sound came from the traffic, but at this time usually here it´s very quiet.

Then the sound swelled up, down, up, down, up for the next two hours.

There was no way to fall asleep because it was really loud and all my chakras reacted like crazy. It wasn´t a bad feeling at all but weird, hard to explain.

On Wednesday, at exactly the same time (02.00 am GMT) the same happened and it also lasted around 2 hours.

Did anyone of you experience a similar thing around this time?

It wasn´t at all the first time that I heared this sound. Last year it happened several times but I never got an explanation about it.

Can anyone help me with this question?


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Once they said HOW I have to be and so I tried to be as they wanted me.

Once they said WHO I have to be and so I tried to be as they wanted who I should be.

Once they said WHAT I have to be and so I changed everything that I could be what they wanted.

Once they said: "You are not authentically! BE YOURSELF and change everything!"

I felt as I would be a puppet on a string.

Darkness embraced me, I was lost, I couldn´t realize MYSELF.

And then....

A little flame woke up within my heart. I could hear a voice asking me:

"WHO are you? HOW are you? WHAT are you?"

My inner flame started to grow.

The darkness changed into a bright shining light and my mind recognized a big change.

NOW, surrounded by the light I know WHO I am, HOW I am, WHAT I am!


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