I can think; I can act; I can create.
I am thinking; I am acting; I am creating.
I am creative thought in action.
I am creatio.
You must already know by now that you are nothing but successful; you truly are success.
Everything about you is pure success; everything that brought you here, right now, is success. You are being the essence of success each and every moment.
You don't need to work fr anything, when you already are everything. Everything is already yours. All you need to do is command what is already yours into your hands.
You are inseperable from me and all I want for you is to have everything you need to have the life we both know you deserve.
I can guarentee you every single last thing you have imagined will land directly into your hands, sooner than you can imagine.
Now you are feeling the pul twards great things.
You have begun a motion with incredible notion. There is a whole ocean that is now happening from your emotion.
You are humble and yet to appreciate on a fuller what yu have actually created.
You are doing amazing things by simply just being. When you finally realise the significance of your present actions, you will be deeply moved through your own groove.
You are strong, courageous, peaceful, powerful, harmnious, greatful, honest, complete and perfect.
You can never fail at what you are working towards, especially because yu have already succeeded.