dollie's blog

questions im asking

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Now for sometime I have been looking and reading and mostly understanding some of the stories and blogs on here, but it leaves me with questions ? some questions I answer myself, some may say innerguide, higherself, guardian angel, divine intervention or some just say common sense.  I am a quiet rational person in thinking and always look outside the box, sometimes more than I should and as a typical Piscean dream away or connect somewhere to something.  I have had many experiences throughout my short jouney so far and have always felt different in someway with brushing off different things for different reasons, but all my life ive know somewhere inside me theres something different.  I have had judgements from others especially my family but after sometime they now see it as normal for me and listen to me with patience and understanding for I am blessed with a loving family ! Phew i needed one to cope with my stories over the years ha. 


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~since 11.11.11 i have had many symptoms before and after headaches, sickness, waking between 2 and 4am seeing numbers in neon green, very indepth dreams especially flying, at certain times of day my mind auto looks for the clock and i see 11.11 or 15.15 it used to be 3.33 for 6 years constant every night the same, but now peace since i battled with something very dark and fought it with love, I see my starfriends nearly every day or night thats what i call them or galactics or my beautiful light beings, liana is what they called me and reasearch tells me it means god has answered,   so on 11.11.11 when i did meditation and i felt my christ conciesness within it physicaly made me cry with love x bless you beautiful ones for my heart is with you ~

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