Doreen Smith's blog

Full Moon 6-4-12 and Divine Venus Transit Photos

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For me, June 4th..2012..was the start of my 64th year of life... the end of my 9th life cycle of 7 years and the start of the my Divine10th cycle of life this time on Gaia, It was also the beginning of the Divine Venus transit window..The best present I, (or anyone) could ever ask for...Divine Feminine Love Energy...pouring forth on ALL...I hope you enjoy the following photos of this magical, Divine night...and June 5th, Venus transit.


Even though it was late, (around midnight) when we made the decision to get water from the well, my friend, Becky and me went to the artesian well on June 4th to replenish our supply of fresh spring water...The well is about 8 miles away from us in a little town called ONEKAMA..(pronounced O neck a ma) ONE comma..pause. (I love to play with words..LOL) we paused to take in the spectacular full moon...


After filling many gallons jugs with the sweet nectar of living water, we thanked Gaia and headed home...We HAD to stop by Portage Lake to look at the beautiful full moon...The moon was brilliant in a clear star studded sky...I felt blessed already with full water jugs and the beautiful full moon...

I don't own a camera and was thankful when Becky started taking pictures of the moon..I wanted to share these pics with everyone...It was such a special time..


The energy around the moon started with this first photo...






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                                         WINDS GENTLE KISS OF LOVE  

                                                   By Doreen Smith



Shield yourself from me , if you must

But, I have something to say you can trust


I want to touch your loving heart

I have been here from the very start

Day or Night, I AM always there

to let you know, I truly care


I am the wind of change

I am blowing all around

Through you, for you, with you

Feel my love abound


Across the mighty expanse of every ocean blue

True Love I bring to you

Over every lake, stream and brook

You'll find me everywhere you look


I flow through the evergreens

Every forest, every tree

May 20, 2012 - Eclipse=LOVE ALIGNMENT

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The Eclipse of May 20, 2012 was one I'll never forget....So much joy and celebration...One of my daughters, my oldest grand daughter, two of my great grandchildren (from Florida), three of my grandchildren from Manistee and a couple of dear friends and me went to 1st Street beach to breathe in all the LOVE energies..They were extremely high bringing in the new harmonics to Gaia and ALL..

People were everywhere in anticipation of the eclipse...Many were sitting along the wall separating the beach from the parking lot..All eyes were on the sunset and the incoming storm...There weren't many people on the actual beach, but the parking lot and three foot wall were pretty full...

It's High Time to Legalize Hemp!

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I am so thankful someone who used to work for the gov't can actually see the benefits of this most wonderful, miraculous plant..Benefits from this amazing plant far outweigh the the stereotype hype pasted on this plant...Years ago, I wrote the Governor of Michigan, who at that time was, Jennifer Granholm, a seven page letter detailing some of the benefits of this plant..Paper, our Constitution is written on hemp paper, clothing that doesn't wear out, fuel, medicine, and the list goes on...They've even made a car made from hemp!!..I chickened out back then and didn't send the letter, but, seeing more and more research data on this plant and the healing benefits of CURING CANCER and other illnesses has convinced me to not be quiet any longer...For states experiencing extreme financial difficulties such as Michigan and many others, I'm amazed it's taken so long to see the commercial uses for this plant...

This is a quote from Rev:22...(in the holy city)  "On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse..." I believe the negative stigma this plant has received from our govt and gov'ts worldwide, will finally be removed and the benefits of this plant will bless our nation as it should have been allowed to do for humankind for decades. As far as marijuana being a "gateway to other drugs", this may be true in isolated cases, but, it is a Gateway to higher consciousness... and ultimately to God!


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