DrDougCole's blog

The Energy Push

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The work has been more intense since the Venus Transit ! As I lay me down to sleep I am greeted by my team and instructed on the mission, off we go. The details let out by Cobra ring true..the Archons remain a factor.. I have been encountering them and the latest goal is to displace them and diffuse their energy. I admit much of this work remains hazy as  I return to 3d.. I think this may be one of the factors involved in being a Incarnate of the Blue Ray. I had much genetic repair to do ( I will be 5d before I am done ) . For those of you not familiar with the Blue Ray or think you may be one here is some great info here.


Are You A Blue Ray? You’ve heard of Indigo and Crystal Children, but what about the ones who came before them?

Are You From the Blue Ray? Star Beings & Walk-ins The Lost Ray of the LightWorker

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Attention: If you would like to add this information to your page, website or other, you are welcome to do so as it helps other lightworkers, but please put in the proper author credit and my website link, thank you!!!

To Awakened and Ascending Souls ! Continued

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...... I learned to shove down or sublimate my experiences.


  My contact with E.T.'s started in 1987 though many of those were fuzzy and strange , dream like. My experiences varied from uplifting and positive with benevolent types to battle with malevolent deceptive creatures. The latter always ended with me ultimately recognizing the deception and I would become aggressive and disrupt their studies.


After 2002 it seemed my nights were full of exciting adventures with vivid recall of being a light warrior fighting dark entities on behalf of the light my son Christian seemed to always be at my side and we would wake often with shared memories. This all seemed to be just fantastical dreams, daylight would come and my environment was such that household discussion of these events and experiences were not understood or warmly encouraged.


In the first week of November 2011, I woke in the morning with a vision of a bright lime green worm hole in front of me, I closed my eyes and focused on it and moved my consciousness into it. I found myself lying on my back on a mat in a large room. I was enjoying the sounds of intricate electric guitar that seemed to be everywhere. As I listened I realized that I was controlling and creating the music, seamlessly and effortlessly. I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and then the voice of a woman , she said " you finally made it " , " we have been waiting for you "  I said where am I ? she said " you have made a trans dimensional trip " and " you are here for training" .. I was told that the energies are different and a higher vibrational level, I would adapt quickly and I will be prepared for changes that are going to occur... I came back out of the worm hole into my bed fully awake.. the next night my education began.


To Awakened and Ascending Souls !

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   Warm greetings to all awakened and ascending souls !


  Although we may have not met here in this life experience , I am reasonably sure that we are one family and have shared a joint mission through eons of evolution.


It may be odd but when I read or hear about other like beings I become curious. I don't  want to know the usual stuff ..like , What do you do for a living?.. I want to know what is your experience? When did you become aware? How do you function in your daily life? How many people do you share your truth with? How do they respond to you ?? And how did you find your way to a place like the Galactic Free Press !

Strong Vibratiions

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A quick Shoutout to all at the GFP family !


I have been Vibrating physically for 3 or 4 days and it seems to be increasing.

It feels exactly like the sensation that I would have when I have returned from Out of body, this usually only happened after Sleep. Now it is ongoing. Also quite a bit of fatigue but not any headaches.


Anyone else having similar response to the energy increase !






To the Mount

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I woke in the morning 2 weeks ago with a  strong sense of calling. I have never been to Mt. Shasta and Living in Los Angeles for 28 years I am slightly embarrassed to say, I was not even sure where it was ? But it was certain I was going soon. I asked my middle son Christian you want to take a road trip? He was in.. I asked my youngest Asher, You want to see Mt.Shasta ? Yes ! This is a mission ..through several nights of dream instruction that I struggle to remember..we are leaving tomorrow at noon. We nee to be there,

Let us Pray

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Hello , Love and light to all of you at GFP ! I  I love your group meditations FatherMothergod, I will be making one soon ! I have been noticing lately that out in our world of awakened lightworkers that there seems to be two distinct schools of thought or perhaps awareness. There are those who seem to be predominately focused on the raising of our love quotient / Higher vibrational focus and the other group that are more aware and focused on the process of mass arrests, fall of the cabal and liberation. I value and appreciate the work being done on all fronts! I have spent a lifetime straddled quite nicely between the two worlds. I was able to function in the 3d world and still see into and exist in the other realms. In November of 2011 my contact with the other dimensions went wild and tok center stage. The "rational " me decided to start researching the messages that were being shared with me, mostly when by body was in sleep mode. The journey has been exciting and amazing to say the least. I have been involved now in many missions and teachings on how to function at higher vibrational rates, spending time on various lightships and other dimensions. In this 3d world I front as a Chiropractor and use this to share my light with those who think they are just getting adjusted...ha ha ! I have been doing out of body healing sessions since age twelve. After studying medicine from age 9 to 11 ( my mom bought me the books ) she enrolled me in classes being taught by the Silva method group to do remote healing.

 My research on the new information being shared by my guides lead me down many exciting paths one of the best was finding GFP. and realizing how many people there are on this planet just like me.

My Tribe ?

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Have you ever had the feeling you were in the wrong tribe? I certainly know plenty of inteligent, succesful, interesting and beautiful people. Then I open up and start  to share my truth..the lifetime full of other dimensional realities, " dreams " that are truly vivid training sessions on large craft larger than many cities. Training in how to travel, move speak and partake in humanitarian issues on other vibrational planes. The detailed instructions in new technolgies and the major changes in the future of human existance. Have you seen it ? That slow glaze that starts to cover the eyes of the person you are talking with, then maybe the anger..beneath the surface..real anger for discussing somthing so naturally that it disturbs every fiber of their being? Facebook posts without a single comment..are that many people still sleeping?? Yes, that many still are. Our work here as Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos and so on can be a very isolating experience and most of us are born in to the tribe to bring the message, the news. It is important to remember that as a Light Bringer that we do have a tribe , a tribe that we may not have even met in this present focused reality, but we are one. We are working with our other members here in 3D and more. Soon our message will truly be shared far and wide and we will be leading the way, bringing the comfort, the peace the information and Lighting the path ! Stay strong all of you and remember the rest of us feel and appreciate your work !


Douglas Cole D.C.

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