These two topics seem antithetic to each other. Both see the other as "unreal", yet they both exist in this 3D world. Political people see the New Age as something to keep the wishful thinkers pacified, for to them it is but pure imagination. Good for the hippies and kids but impossible in their perception of the "real world".
Lightworkers on the other hand, view the New Age as very real. We know that the transformation is occuring before our very eyes, but of course, a person needs to have "eyes to see" The New Age is stealth and only reveals itself to those who actually want to look.
The frustration comes for those who want to look, but still can't see. They feel the changes in their experience, but the world still operates the way it always has. Power, money, corruption.. all these and more try to convince the mind of the seeker that it's hopeless. Meanwhile, those who see, keep their distance, less they themselves should fall into the quagmire they observe.
What was it that Yoda told Luke Skywalker, when he was convinced he would never be able to go up against Darth Vader and company? "Trust the Force" or when David's own countrymen called him a fool for going against a big guy like Goliath? Something like "Its you guys that are nuts, I have my ally that I trust (God), and I'll drop this guy before the day's out!"

These are but a couple of examples where the dark and light met. You can write volumes on their many meetings, history has given us. The point is, are we living differently then what the Source expects? Is staying separate from the dark a cure for what ails us, or is it a form of fear? Can we ever expect change without confrontation?