ELM's blog

Janet Phelan: The Fundamentals of US Surveillance: What Edward Snowden Never Told Us?

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Column: Politics


Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden’s revelations rocked the world.  According to his detailed reports, the US had launched massive spying programs and was scrutinizing the communications of American citizens in a manner which could only be described as extreme and intense.

Recent Studies Show Assisted Suicide on the Rise

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Column: Society




The assisted suicide fever is sweeping the globe. Country after country has been considering AS legislation, and a number of nations have already passed such legislation into law.  The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg all have AS laws on the books, and in the last twenty years, over 100 AS campaigns have been launched in the United States alone.

Round-op Alpha

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Bounties for Justice

Global Operation for the arrest of

the World Government


About Round-op Alpha

Round-op Alpha was incorporated on April 6, 2014, as a special international non-governmental justice agency (S.I.N.G.J.A).

In order to enable (an) effective operation(s) by Round-op Alpha, and given the exceptional nature of our purpose, it is imperative that we operate as a sovereign agency (community) under international law. This provides us with an enforceable jurisdiction over our own activities which together with our sovereignty must be respected by any and all sovereign nations, communities, organizations, entities, groups and individuals. In addition, it provides our Executive Board Members, Permanent Members and Representatives with more protection from interference by governments and intergovernmental/treaty organizations such as the EU, the UN and NATO.

Respublica of Earth • Articles of Confederation

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We, inhabitants of Earth, heirs of creation, in agreement and with conscious will, do now move in full responsibility and receivership to form what is intrinsic to natural life on earth, the Respublica of Earth.

Article 1

Freedom and the right to self-determination is natural and lawful, inherent in all living systems, and does not regard any state of mind, condition, or national identification; as such, we form this Confederation, Respublica of Earth, around these principles:


  • All living systems are free.
  • The value of living systems is unlimited.
  • Each living system is equal in value to all other living systems.
  • All living systems who violate these principles are pardoned on correction.
  • The human community intervenes in all situations where these principles are violated regardless of local laws, customs, ethics, or practices.

Article 2

Humans are eternal in nature and in and of themselves, ecosystems. Since every element that exists is living, interconnected, and interactive, ecosystems are defined as communities of elements nested in larger ones, to the planetary level and beyond. Every element is vital to the structures supporting it.


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