Are You A Keeper of Time?
A Keeper of Time is an individual who has as a part of their Sacred Contractual Work the responsibility of working with Time in some fashion or another. This type of Sacred Contractual work can take on many different forms across many different lifetimes, past and future, and is often even associated with different planetary systems and dimensional realities, but it will always be related to the concept of Space/Time and how it affects our current reality in some way.
The following questions may help you to either answer this question, or begin to reawaken memories of being a Keeper of Time as part of your current Sacred Contractual work in this lifetime.
Keeper of Time Questionnaire
1) Do you, or have you, ever had a fascination with the concept of Space/Time?
2) As a child did you learn how to tell time at an early age? Or conversely, as a child was it difficult for you to learn how to tell time?
3) Do you have an innate sense of something special about Space/Time even though you may not fully be able to understand it consciously?
4) Does seeing time displayed on analog clocks and digital clocks create different sensations in you?
5) Are you obsessed with being punctual for appointments in your daily life?
6) Are you one of those people who is always late for appointments in your daily life, even by just a few minutes?
7) Do you consistently lose track of time?
8) Do you have a strong fascination with, or a strong draw to the Ancient Mayan Civilization?
9) Do you have recall of, or a sense of, multiple lifetimes in the Ancient Mayan Civilization?
10) Do you have a strong fascination with, or a strong draw to the Australian Aboriginal Culture?
11) Do you have recall of, or a sense of, multiple lifetimes in the Australian Aboriginal Culture?