franheal's blog

Fran Zepeda - Sananda - Hold the Light and Go Forth - November 21, 2012

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Sananda ~ Hold the Light and Go Forth ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 21, 2012



Hello, my dear Beings of Light, holders of Truth. This day marks one of many that herald a new era. You have entered a place of peace in your hearts and it is reflected outward for many to see and feel in a palpable way. Abide by your deep desire for Peace and it shall be so.

You are forging a new life on Earth, dear ones, and no one can tell you differently. Take stock of your progress, for it is immense. Your dreams and meditations have expanded the capacity of your world to hold more Light and to hold more Love and you are sparkling like jewels and glistening like new growth of vegetation after a cleansing rainfall.

The time is nigh for you to dream bigger and go deeper in your meditations to enjoy the New Earth that is enfolding Now. Yes, dear ones, Now. For you are co-creating it and it is magnificent to see.

Hold forth your banners of Truth, dear ones, for you have reached your destination of High ideals and implementation of them in your daily lives. Much is waiting to still come to fruition but rest assured that you have reached a point of no return. The Light has returned to its glory of long ago and is building as we speak.

You are the ones that have made this possible and so much more awaits your eyes to see and your hearts to sense. Imagine a lotus flower blossoming in time-lapse photography. See it in your hearts and see it in others’ hearts and everywhere on Earth. That is what the opening of your hearts look like as we view you.

Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ An Explosion of Love ~ November 8, 2012

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Sananda ~ An Explosion of Love ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ November 8, 2012



Greetings, beloveds, Beings of the Light that you are.

The time has come for you to see just exactly what you are made of. You often get glimpses and in these changing times, it is becoming more apparent to you. You are becoming again that immense ball of Light that permeated so much within and around you so many eons ago.

Yes, dear ones, the stage is being set for you to emerge as your True Selves in all ways and at all times. It will be astounding to you, for you so far have just had a glimpse of it, and I must say some more than others, but that will all even out as more and more come on-line.

There is thus to be an explosion revealing everyone’s true make-up that has been and is being precipitated by the raising of the frequencies and by the raising of your consciousness. It has been and is contagious, as you know, and for this we give our assistance. For everyone who asks our assistance in the raising of their light quotient and understanding, there are many more that are affected just by that act.

You all are so capable of this new venture that is beginning anew with the next portal opening of 11-11, which is widening as we speak. The stakes are raised, so to speak, and the stage is set for a unifying event not ever revealed or experienced before.

Yeshua ~ Your Progress is Magnificent! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 12, 2012

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Yeshua ~ Your Progress is Magnificent! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 12, 2012



Greetings, beautiful Beings of Light.

I come before you today to bring you such joyful tidings. Much has happened in your World that is not quite visible to the eye but many are feeling it in their hearts.

We of the Company of Heaven commend you for your wonderful meditations during the 11-11 portal opening and we implore you to keep up with it. So much has transpired, you would be astounded.

You are getting a glimpse of your immense power, dear beloveds, and what you have been able to accomplish thus far will take you even further with each passing day as you tap further into the recesses of your I AM Presence.

Now is the time to keep up the momentum and focus your energies using all you have learned as precedent. Many of you are getting acquainted with your abilities to transcend the reaches of your consciousness to include your fellow beings without being pulled down into the lower dimensions. You are lifting yourselves and others and are remaining longer in the higher dimensions and higher consciousness.

Mother Earth thanks you for your efforts to bring her safely into the higher realms and is soaring with you into the higher realms and is settling now into the higher frequencies.

Some adjustment must be made for you to accommodate the influx of intense Light and so you may find yourself still clearing old patterns and old vestiges of your former life in duality. Shake it off as Earth continues to do, and feed it with the newfound Light for its further transmutation.

Ascended Master Lanto ~ Awakening to Oneness ~ November 2, 2012

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Ascended Master Lanto ~ Awakening to Oneness ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ Received November 1, 2012


Ascended Master Lanto:


Greetings, all. I am Master Lanto, here to bring you tidings and Love from all the Spiritual Realm. It is not ever that I have appeared through this channel, but find it necessary to bring my words of encouragement for your Ascension through her today, my dear ones.

Throughout the times of your growth over the ages, over the eons since your fall into duality, I have been with you, watching your progress. I now again offer my support and my encouragement on your long but illustrious journey along through Ascension.

Many times you have wondered, as you trekked along this winding road back to Oneness, as to your value and as to your capability to succeed. Well, I am here to tell you that you are all succeeding beautifully. It was not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart to embark on this wonderful path you are all on, my dear ones. No, it took and is taking great strength and wisdom and courage to continue.

And for this I offer you my advice this day. With each breath you take, on this your fortuitous* journey into your Ascension, abide by your beginnings as magnificent Beings of Light, that you have always been. You have tapped a great deal of that potential so far. What remains is for you to step up the pace, my dear ones.

Your potential is limitless to absorb the Light as it is pouring in in increasing amounts and no one is immune to or incapable of accepting the increasing amounts of Light as is being readied for your acceptance and sensitivities.

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be the Vision ~ October 21, 2012

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Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Greetings, Beloveds, Light of the Divine, Light of the Universes, Light of Creator of All-That-Is, that you all are.

We come before you today to speak of the Shift in Consciousness that you are all a part of, that you all play such an important part in.

Behold the changes in your bodies, physical and light bodies alike. You are indeed integrating the two and you are indeed benefiting from the raise in consciousness, ever-present and on-going. You have raised your frequencies and continue to do so. And you are in turn, affecting all around you in doing so.

We stand with you forever and always, and especially during this important time of mass awakening and fulfillment of the Divine Decree. You hold the reins and are the navigators of this most sacred, beautiful movement and nothing can stand in the way of it if you keep to your task.

Your task, of course, is to allow always the beat of the heart of Humanity, of Mother Earth, and of the Multi-verses, and of All Beings to entwine into the one heartbeat of Love and Oneness and Unity.

Fran Zepeda - Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council - Your Ascent with the Light is Building - October 8, 2012

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Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ Your Ascent with the Light is Building ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2012


Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:


Hello Dear Ones. We come before you today to give you more news of your enlightenment.

So much is being said and touted about the energy downloads of late, and indeed an increase is building as we speak. So much is there for you to absorb and welcome. Please welcome it now with your full hearts, dear ones.

Never in your history has this much Light been offered to you and you are receiving it well. It may be taking some adjustments in your lifestyles and your energy, but it is so well worth it. For this is the beginning of so much you could never have imagined was possible.

It was portended to be so and you are now in the midst of an opening of proportions requiring an acceptance and a trust that you are well into being able to handle with much grace.

Take some moments now to consider your progress. Look into your hearts, dear beloveds. What is shining there? Are you feeling the energies of yourselves as well as others? Are you feeling the energies of the Universe? Are you feeling and sensing the Love that is building throughout all mankind, throughout all the Universes? Excellent. You are beginning to sense the Oneness of hearts and minds of all Creation.

Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be One With Us ~ August 8, 2012

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Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be One With Us ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ August 8, 2012


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello my dear friends. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to congratulate you on a benchmark in your development. Yes, you have achieved so much. You have accepted the Light and have blossomed within it.

The road you travel from here on out is one of such magnificent promise. We of the Company of Heaven await your further development, which has been glorious to see so far.

You have embraced your comrades, your fellow Lightworkers, your fellow Beings, your loving family of the Light, whether it be Celestial, Galactic or Human; we are all the same, and we are coming together in such grand purpose.

What you do from here on out is for you to determine. You have come so far along the path of enlightenment. It is time to let go and enjoy the ride, which will become even more grand.

For many their purpose has been to hold the Light, for many it has been to broadcast it, and for many it has been to gather it up and transmute it. You are all serving your purpose. You are all braving unprecedented ground and doing very well with it, my dear friends.

Take moments now to consider where you are going with all this glorious Light and Love you have been absorbing and spreading. It can be looked at like clay that can be molded into anything you wish. Consider that it is that easy. Creation is at your fingertips my dear Ones. Please continue to believe that.

Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! - August 2 2012

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Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ August 2, 2012


Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda:

Greetings, beautiful Souls that you are! I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, together with Lord Sananda, here to bring you, with Love, more information for the successful continuation of your Ascension Process.

Many of you are feeling light-headed with feelings of pressure around your heart. Do not despair. This is good news. You are progressing nicely.

It is necessary for your heart to expand in this process; increments of energy are constantly being downloaded to those who accept it fully, to expand and upgrade your hearts, and the combination of heart pressure or even palpitations along with a feeling of light-headedness is part of the process.

Do not fear it, but allow it. The Light quotient in your Light Bodies is increasing steadily.

You are such brave Souls. You are such cherished Souls. You are magnificent beyond all words. Please keep allowing this process, for there will be great rewards in the end.

Now it is necessary to take some time to ponder some more questions. Yes, we have more questions for you. Take a look at yourselves now from a perspective of your Light Bodies. Identify yourselves with your Light Bodies. Are you able to connect and identify with this true essence of yourselves? This will take some practice. And it is always helpful to do this in meditation. Eventually you will find yourselves very comfortable in it and with it.

Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian ~ Readiness is Key ~ July 30, 2012

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Mira the Pleiadian ~ Readiness is Key ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 30, 2012





Mira the Pleiadian:


Greetings, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council on assignment with the Earth Council.


I greet you with much anticipated news of the developments for your highest awakening. Every moment we come closer to the tipping point of what is needed for the Light to prevail and Higher Consciousness to reign in the majority of the population on planet Earth.


We are so close, dear friends. Much is waiting to transpire. You are so close to meeting your Galactic friends. Many of you have reached out and many are waiting for contact.


The atmosphere in your hearts approaches the necessary climate for this meeting. We have contacted many of you in your dream state and we have contacted many of you in your waking state. You are feeling us closer. You are accepting us more. You are eagerly awaiting further contact.



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