if you're like me and so eager to get this show on the road all ready, you'll do anything possible to push it along. i take part in most of the global meditations and conduct energetic clearing on myself regularly.
because we are the ones with the bodies, we have the most power. and combining focused thought and prayer with the physical actions is where its at. that's the sweet spot. and in light of this, instead of waiting for these alledged mass arrests to happen, i took drake's advice and made some calls and sent some emails. as he said, the squeeky wheel gets the oil. if enough of us call, maybe someone in some sort of position of authority will finally be swayed to take action. either way, the intention ripples that this action will send out cannot hurt matters.
you might want to remain anonymous if you do this and make up names and phone numbers and emails to protect yourself from harm.
below are the three places drake suggested contacting and the script i used.