Iamlightdivine@aol.com's blog

Our New Time to Create is here! Light has been Unified

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2/25/15 So much has taken place since last time I wrote about being in gratitude. I have gotten to know myself so much better and while traveling I even understood deep within my heart what it is like to see and experience God as a direct manifestation in everything before me and everything and everyone around me. Life has certainly taken a new quality and a new dimension. Today is the third day after the final step in the unification of light. Five months ago we embarked on a wonderful journey of transformation and we have now arrived at the point where love is fully in control of our environment. We are leaving behind the old thinking and old beliefs and timelines and have now entered and uncharted territory. We have entered a time and space when even darkness is curios of the transformational power in the unified field of light. The powerful awakening brought upon the divine Union in the codes and light of the divine male and female great central Suns, is beyond description. Even our spirits are now being transformed in quality and vibration. We have reached a new level in our spiritual evolution. The higher aspects of our multidimensional selves are surfacing and humanity and all of Earth's inhabitants and including Mother Earth will now develop in a beautiful and powerful manner. Everyone is and will experience a direct transformation due to the new unified field of light. For those who can see, you will begin to see the new colors and qualities surrounding us. For those who can feel a powerful magnetic like vibration has been activated, it is the divine Union of the self that gives off a bonding and a feeling of completion. Slowly for some and almost instantaneously for others there will be an awakening of a deep knowing, a knowing of why you are here and of acceptance as to why you are here.

Mother Mary Blessings of Love

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With gratitude and humility and my heart as one with the joy experienced through communion with the divine I share Mother Mary's love. 
Blessings and love,

Jose Sanchez

Hail Mary Mother of love
Thy kingdom is present within me 
Thy joy is my own 
May in bliss my heart greet you 

Your Holy blessed heart with love my soul fills
Your triple fold flame my light awakens 
Your Motherly love with humility blesses me 
Sands of time and infinity dwell within your sacred fold 
Transmutation of the self into angelic wisdom as I gaze upon thy beauty

Hail Mary Queen of Angels 
With your beloved heart and through your divine wisdom you have seeded my soul
with the Christed light

Hail holder of the flame of the Heavenly Mother
Holder of the trinity of love 
Awaken within me the sacred heart and may you as the heavenly mother bless my joy

Hail Mary Mother to the Son of Man
With your loving heart may you mirror my own light
With you sacred flame may my will be strong and  be your own as I serve the most high

Hail Mary Goddess of sacred initiations 
Awaken the light codes within my vessel as I give way to the light of lights

Hail Mary Mother of Radiance
May you shine as the sun deep within my heart 
Surrounded by heavenly roses of the pink light 
My heart I bow before you as I dwell within your embrace 
My lungs filled with your divine fragrance of blissfulness as I declare my love to you 
In your divine unity I find my strength upon your holy gaze 

Upon your embrace the light of lights I call my home 
and so it is now and through all eternity

Amen, Amen, Amen
Adonai, Adonai it Saba E

I am presence and White Tara offers an activation with ISON

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When light arrives there is no denying its effects on the surrounding environment and within the human self. 
I am Hu-Man a manifestation of love and a child of the Ultimate Creator.  As such I am now calling forth the templates of my blue print and of my divinity to now fully manifest in my now reality. 
There is no other time than zero point time the access point to real time and the unlimited resources available through existing and being in zero point. 

Does it require much effort to be in zero point reality?
Not if you fully understand what it is to be a Hu-Man. 

What is a Hu-Man? 
A Hu-Man is a manifestation of the divine creator in a physical vehicle. A realized human who has an understanding of what it means to me a human being and someone who is fully connected to its own light and god self. 

Who do I transform from a human into a Hu-Man?
It requires communion with the god self and a slight effort to be centered in the heart thus allowing one's I am presence to be manifested in the space of love within the most powerful vortex manifested in the physical. Such space is between the heart and the higher heart. It is there that the spirit is present and exists within time and space. 

I am a Hu-Man existing in the greatest time of responsibility. The greatest time to take charge of our reality by creating it through being in the holy flow of the now and by resonating and expanding divine radiance from zero point center.  

A message from Divine Mother through Bob Marley

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This channeling is a few days old, as I didn't know I could share here. 




I am the spirit of the land

I am the spirit of the land of Jamaica, and I come here to represent the great love of the Mother.
I lived a life of many lessons and struggles that propelled my soul to be soften by the clarity of my vision.
My heart was and is always Rasta. It is now in the realm of Heaven that I understand the love and the unity of the Christ.
Peace and love is the message always.
Leave your struggles behind, your false perception and reach out with your hearts and spread the love and expand the love all around the world. heart to heart we will do our parts. If you touch the heart of your brethren the illusion is lifted and peace of mind and purity of heart unfolds.

Music is in my soul and now I sing the octaves of love.
I bring you a message filled with the love of the Mother.

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