James Douglas or bretaw's blog

Indiegogo Campaign: Spiritual Philanthropy and The Holographic Economy

James Douglas or bretaw's picture

Creating A Sustainable Center of Connections
Facilitating Dreams with Spiritual Philanthropy


My friends and I are developing an Indigogo Campaign that we think many people will resonate with called:

This blog is a working version of our vision and we welcome everyone who is interested in co-creating and/or helping us on any level. The integral nature of the campaign provides many opportunities for creativity and contribution from all kinds of angles and we are happy to meet new friends who would like to see something like this succeed.

As anyone who reads it will see, we are especially seeking experts in different areas of sustainability, new energy, web development/coding and more so we can present potential funders a really strong and realistic vision that CAN BE completed as envisioned. Simultaneously, we would like to provide people the confidence that are consultants 'know what they are doing' and can be trusted.

Thanks for your support, it is greatly appreciated :)


Much Love,


A Song That Represents This Journey For Me :)


I Come Bearing Gifts :)

James Douglas or bretaw's picture

Hi ... I like to share a song with new friends as  gift.



I have been leaving it for all of my new friends and people are loving it! So glad to share their music because I saw them a couple of times in Hawaii last month and they inspired me in ways that haven't happened in a while with live music. The inspiration also helped solidify a vision for me called The Free Energy Roadshow so paying it forward by sharing it on FB is the least I can do :)



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