JCaTT22's blog

Our Creator, Mother Father God

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When people say they found God, do they realize they've only found a part of themselves? We are all a part of God, within us all lies the Divine spark of Mother Father God. We are not God's worshipers, we are all his children, and like a family we must honor, respect, and bask in each others greatness. Once you've found God, you should have found yourself. For God .doesn't exist in the skies, God exists in our Hearts. Our Hearts are pure, unconditional Love, now I ask you is God judgmental? No, God is unconditional Love. So, where else could God be? Well, no other than in our Hearts, dear Ones. If God resigns in our Hearts, then where must the Kingdom of Heaven be? It must be in our Hearts! If this Peace and Happiness is what you seek, then go within and find yourself. Be ware, here you will find God, but remember you won't have to worship, but only acknowledge. The best part of all you will unleash a Godly being. But whom? Why yourself, for we are all the children of God


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Dearly Beloveds,
I come today to speak of the importance of having faith and belief and letting go of hope and doubt. Yes dear ones, I said let go of hope. While residing in the third dimension one may have had hope, but moving into 4D and 5D there is no doubt, no fear, and only Love. I see many Lightworkers still using words such as possibly and hopefully. It may not be known to many but these words are only a sugar coating of fear. If One has hope then they do not believe 110% in themselves to manifest their own reality. Remember beloveds we are most powerful Beings when we live from the heart and have no doubts. Do not downplay your gifts, yout gifts to hear things telepathically, your gifts to see into the higher dimensions, your gift of knowing. All is possible nothing is impossible. Believe in yourself and have faith. The divine blueprint is well underway, Archangel Michael, and We, his Legions will not stop until the Divine Blueprint has been completed. So fear no more the dark and walk forward with your head held high and illuminate the darkness. For Archangel Michael's Legion numbers in the 100 of millions and there are already a number of us on Earth who were born here or have came in as walk ins. So, live by the light and love yourself unconditionally until it overflows, allowing you to love all others unconditionally.
I Am Yesu and I send my Love and Light to all of you.

Sorry No More

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Stop feeling so sorry for yourself. No matter how unhappy you are with where you are in a certain aspect of your life, do not feel sorry for yourself. Once you can accept that where you are now is only a stepping stone to where you are going to be, only then will you always be happy. You're dreams do not happen over night, you have to take little baby steps to get to where you are meant to be. Only when you can accept that, only then, will you truly be happy with yourself. So, no more feeling sorry for yourself and accept that where you are now is where you are meant to be.


Love and Light <3

In Your Eyes

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Let me look inside your eyes. Let me look deep inside your soul. Let me see the true you. No, not the “you” that everyone thinks you are. I mean the real you. You know, the you that makes your heart shine, the you that makes your smile brighten up the room. Let me see the you that knows of no fears, see no struggles. Let me see the true you, the one that see’s opportunity in every moment, no matter how simple or hard the task may be. Let me see the you that respects all other life forms, from the Elemental Kingdom, to the Plant Kingdom, to all in the Animal Kingdom, and yes, the Spiritual Kingdom, as well.


Let me look inside your eyes, no matter how dark you may believe it may be deep within. For there is a Divine spark of Light within us all waiting to flourish. Let me look in your eyes, and I ask that you too look back. Look deep in my eyes, look deep in my soul. Now tell me what is it you see? Is it you, yourself, that you see? Through the entrance of my soul, you see the reflection of yourself. For you and I, we are one, I am you, as you are I. We intermingle; your action causes my reaction; we are at cause of effect to each other. Thus, everything you portray onto me is you reflecting yourself. Look deep within my eyes; see the love in my soul.


Judgement Day

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To judge or not to judge, that is the question. When one judge’s another, what is it that they judge? Do they judge their appearance? Is it their clothing, their ethnicity, their outer beauty, the depth of their wallet, the size of their house, the year of their car, where in the world they reside? Or is it merely judgment based on their character? Truthfully, where do You place your judgment? John 7:24 “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” To judge righteous judgment, we must look beneath the surface. Appearance most of the time does not represent the true other. Put the ego aside, who we believe one to be, that is not always the truth. Allow one the opportunity to demonstrate who the true them presently is. Although, dear ones, if it is of a negative Light, always forgive and forget and give the benefit of the doubt. For as stated before there is always a spark of Light within us all. Leave here asking, “Where do I place my judgment?” Once a realization; question “is it in the best interest of the other?” Then go about your day, accepting everything you see, knowing your immoral judgment is not the truth. Most importantly, remember, when it may appear so, forgive and let go. To acknowledge an immoral judgment, is not righteous judgment. No matter how dark it may seem in another soul, and see the Light, now that is righteous judgment.

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