Kata's blog

The Threads of Time and the Eternal Solstice Code

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The Threads of Time and the Eternal Solstice Code
Adama through Kata
Greetings to the Masters,
This is Adama High Priest of the Lemurians in Mt Shasta and the Universal Masters of the New Humanity. I greet you from ours’ and yours’ soon to be dimension called the Fifth, in your linear measurement.
There are rules in your recent physical reality that will be left behind in the process of getting more insights in your soon available Fifth dimensional existence. The New Earth, as we have talked about so many times, is getting imprinted into your heart with such a vivid joy; and it is ready to be yours completely.
There are preparation steps you are invited to walk through. Your whole 3D reality structure was designed for this very aim, and to one day be able to be left behind.
There are still many scenarios to unfold. The amplitude of “happenings” will be based on the mass consciousness level you as humanity are ready to achieve during this extremely important period of time called 2012. There are many changes on the horizons. Your personal way of living is ready for the greatest adjustments one can imagine. Never fear the change. Your trust in the Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom can be a great help in turbulent times. If you want any insights in the personal arena of the upcoming happenings, I suggest to you a simple but unusual method to do.
Go back to last month’s Summer Solstice day in your personal timeline. This year’s Solstice and the week after it represented the exact personal scenario for you to witness the upcoming months until the end of this precious year. Go back to this point in time. You call it the past but reality has its tricks based on the density level as you look through it. Greet this day with all the gifts it had. And bring into this day all the gifts you want to.

The Threads of Time and the Eternal Solstice Code

Kata's picture

The Threads of Time and the Eternal Solstice Code
Adama through Kata
Greetings to the Masters,
This is Adama High Priest of the Lemurians in Mt Shasta and the Universal Masters of the New Humanity. I greet you from ours’ and yours’ soon to be dimension called the Fifth, in your linear measurement.
There are rules in your recent physical reality that will be left behind in the process of getting more insights in your soon available Fifth dimensional existence. The New Earth, as we have talked about so many times, is getting imprinted into your heart with such a vivid joy; and it is ready to be yours completely.
There are preparation steps you are invited to walk through. Your whole 3D reality structure was designed for this very aim, and to one day be able to be left behind.
There are still many scenarios to unfold. The amplitude of “happenings” will be based on the mass consciousness level you as humanity are ready to achieve during this extremely important period of time called 2012. There are many changes on the horizons. Your personal way of living is ready for the greatest adjustments one can imagine. Never fear the change. Your trust in the Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom can be a great help in turbulent times. If you want any insights in the personal arena of the upcoming happenings, I suggest to you a simple but unusual method to do.
Go back to last month’s Summer Solstice day in your personal timeline. This year’s Solstice and the week after it represented the exact personal scenario for you to witness the upcoming months until the end of this precious year. Go back to this point in time. You call it the past but reality has its tricks based on the density level as you look through it. Greet this day with all the gifts it had. And bring into this day all the gifts you want to.

Adama - The Pineal Gland and the Crystalline Matrix of the Universe

Kata's picture

The Pineal Gland and the Crystalline Matrix of the Universe

Adama through Kata


Greeting to the Masters.

What a great scenario to unfold in your planetary paradigm. I am Adama and I am here with Saint Germain the Master of Transformation. We are greeting you with all those Ascended Masters who were assigned a long time ago in your linear measurement to be here now, and assist with all the changes you are experiencing in every level of your existence.

Indeed you have entered the final chapter of the planetary changes that were planned based on the cosmic cycles a very long time ago. Vibrational changes are on the horizon with much intensity. You are simply in the middle of those changes you were prepared for, before your recent physical assignment.

The planet is ready for the transformation. The same readiness is valid from your side. All that will unfold is not in a future time anymore. In whatever form, these transformational energies can be brought into your reality field. Just stay tuned to the navigational system your heart is connected to. There is a delicate balance between your newly forming mind set and the heart. Brain and heart are connected in a way that could not have been presented earlier. Your mind is ready to feel while your heart is ready to think. This is the most important sign of the readiness.

Adama - Silence and Simplicity

Kata's picture

Silence and Simplicity

Adama through Kata


Greetings to the Masters,

It is always an honor to address my words to you. And there is always urgency when these words need to find their way into your hearts. We are there with you always; we know which level of readiness you are connected to. We know when we can start our direct communication with you person by person. And we are fully aware of which are the issues that need a broader audience to talk to you about.

There are those long awaited preparation steps that make your recent rise in consciousness levels ready for certain planetary changes. They are the same as the universal changes, but no need to deal with them at the moment from this stage of operation. Soon the call will arrive to your heart to pay even more attention to these changes. Always seek the interconnectedness. There are no separate events to unfold but there will come a chain of events, which will bring the recognition of the broader spectrum of the transformation you and your beloved planet are in the middle right now.

This year brings all the changes to open the gate for the new energies to arrive full speed to your reality. The only tools needed are to be found residing within you. Silence, and simplicity are two of them. They are carrying the needed vibrations to be prepared.

Silence - not that of the hermit who keeps physical silence for months and uses the method of pulling away from his physical reality.  The silence I am referring to here keeps you in your reality with a constant presence in your heart that gives you the scoop of your recent life, and helps you to recognize and manifest into it all you need to learn from, and to be gifted by it.

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