luisa vasconcellos's blog

Lord Emanuel Messages - Bliss Out - 20:03:2013

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Daily Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration

March 20, 2013

Bliss Out




Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel, welcome, welcome, welcome unto me this day, come, come, my beautiful Children of God into the warm embrace of Love that I shower upon you now. Deep breath Dear Ones, feel the Love of God pour down upon you now and the Light of God pour into the crown chakra of your bodies and let it in, let it in, let it in. Ah now that feels better doesn't it? And this shower of Love you can have at any time of the day Dear Ones, you can call upon me, any one of my Ascended Family and indeed you can call upon your own Great God presence I AM to shower the Love and Light of God upon you at any time.


Dear Ones in times of stress throughout your day, any time you start to feel the 'old ways' of being creep upon you, feelings of stress, anxiety, any feelings of tension or anger any time you feel pulled out of the bliss that is being showered by the Love of God then take yourself aside for a minute and re-connect with this.


The manuscript of survival – part 287 - March 20, 2013

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The manuscript of survival – part 287 - March 20, 2013


So here we are dear ones, on this day of joy and celebration. For many of you, this day has already begun during the darkest hours of the night, as we wager that more than a few have had some visitations from some rather intense energies during your otherwise more restful sleeping hours. Well, let us just say that you will have many more encounters like this in the next few hours and days, but know that although some of these visitors may seem to be a little bit disturbing to your physical system, they are all benign. But we have to say they are nothing if not effective, as they charge through, bringing so much awakening in their wake. For this is what is happening to you all now, dear ones. Just as with Sleeping Beauty, one by one you are taken in hand, and gently, or in some cases, not so gently, being risen from that deep slumber you have been in for so long. For you have been somnambulants long enough now, and it is indeed time to become fully awake and survey your new surroundings. For you have grown to expect nothing but sad news and bitterness wherever you turn, but now, as your eyes get used to this new daylight, you will see how the sun has drawn out so much happiness and beauty all around. That is, if you seek it through the right channels, and do not depend on the mass media to enlighten you. For now you will know that they never will, as they are all still embroiled in the same old, same old. But you will know better, for you will feel the heat from this sun warm not only your face, but also your heart, and you will see a smile of recognition on so many other faces around you.



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