My beloved brethren of Earth, what wondrous times you are living in at this present moment. Stunning shifts are slowly entering your reality bringing to the fore and disclosing once more several issues, for let’s get clear on this : the times for change have duly begun!
Another question that I have is: there are a lot of channellings and different things out there that talk about the collective Ascension, that there is also a collective Ascension in addition to an individual Ascension and that a certain threshold percent that needs to be reached for the collective to ascend. Is that true and does the collective need to ascend before the individual can ascend or in other words can I ascend and then the collective may later follow if I am ready? And what has to happen for the collective as one consciousness on Earth, on Gaia to ascend? Can you maybe give some clarity on that?
As the expansion of your awareness is integrating into your fields, such forms of activations are in store for your being to use upon this reality of yours. All is integrating on such a level of understanding that the I AM Presence is now able to step forward in these times and follow the direction one has chosen to BE. Many are experiencing this at present and real life connections are made with others such as with yourself in order to bring you into a deeper realization that the Self is an intrinsic part of All That Is.
(As shared previously, my current messages under my own name will be labeled under Lady Portia, for we are One and the same with no separation. Much Love, Méline ♥)
We see much turmoil going on, for we are seeing the reflections of our physical selves emerging out of duality. These scenes are hard to grasp for the mind while the heart chooses to ascend, reflecting these inner heart choices into your outer world. Now as Ascension is taking place, true desires and manifestations are grounding into the centre of the earth plane, demanding our full consciousness and the balance of Self, in order to be able to cope with this.
The importance of loyalty to Self and to the heart is now being reflected in the minds and understood as being a key factor in this all. The true heart desire will shed the light in all situations for it is the desire that plays the will of manifestation. It is the desire that reflects our heart knowledge as well, for it speaks of what we are, what we form, bring and know.
Greetings from my Presence as the Archangel of the Violet Ray. I send you my love and I embrace you with my blessed Light and with my being. You will all notice me stepping more and more forward to the forefront to share important issues and dito energies from the Violet Ray, which has now reached its most powerful activation on your beloved world.
Yes we can and Yes we did it! These are famous words of change from the perspective of the newly re-elected president Obama. How joyful we are with that piece of great news and we share this joyfulness with many amongst you! The changes and the renewals already set in place can now be kept on the same track and can evolve gracefully to their full accomplishment. Much will now unfold since this re-election is a milestone won in favor of the Light.
It is quite obvious that the Earth and humanity still believe and have not lost their faith, that much is clear! It is on such crucial moments that the energies can lend themselves in the best possible ways resulting in much that can be manifested. This is your power that you have gathered in order to guarantee the opening of the road to Ascension and to renewal. Thanks to the re-election of the most suitable president for this task, all shall now effectively come to pass on a more innovative and deeper level than ever before. As a preparation a lot had already been released and now important projects can be brought about.
Greetings, my precious ones, it is I Saint Germain. I am at your service once again in this moment of NOW on your planet Earth. There are many things about to occur in a very short time and they are all fully ready to come to pass. After the activation of numerous portals, after the clean-up of many negative and lower human thoughtforms and creations, the time has come for a firm creation which will take on enormous proportions. The next big portal on November 11th has a lot to do with this as well as the subsequent portals, including of course some minor ones.
Greetings, precious ones, we are Archangel Zadkiël and Saint Germain of the Violet Ray. We are at your service today to transmit a message in the here and now.
Allow me, Saint Germain, to begin firstly with this message of Love for all of you. Once again, I greet you most cordially because I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Being the Master of the Violet Ray I want to elaborate further as to our magnificent and powerful colour of being. It is the perfection of purity and power which we represent in our true being. The Ray of the Violet colour is one of the most powerful forces which is at your disposal here on Earth and into Infinity! We replenish where necessary and convert the most dire dangers and impurities into the most natural and wonderful perfections.
Our Violet Ray is at your disposal so use it as you see fit and as much as you want for it is yours too! We stand here now as Masters and rulers of this Ray to transmit this beautiful Violet Ray throughout the whole world on which you dwell, because the perfection of being is what’s now in store for you. This Violet Ray is capable of providing to you the most overwhelming ideas and than to transmit them into the genuine reality, the peaceful society which is reflecting its astonishing purity before your sparkling eyes of Light.