mandy's blog


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I am posting these two links so that ALL see choice, based on 'where' they are right now in this moment. At this time it is helpful to connect with beings who can help you - by how their resonance/harmonics/vibration/LOVE affects YOU. I post this, not from my Brain/Mind -but from my HEART and from my own FEELINGS. Those that have read any of my few posts here know I come from my HEART. As nothing else matters. God Bless you all. Love and Light, ALWAYS x


With additional Audio link

GFP: Changing site info

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I hope Will's info on this site change in latest newsletter Will Not exclude peoples sharing of their channellings. I only started my search/questioning our said reality in Sept 2012. I found this site and the people, especially mother gods stamina and optimism taught me a feat deal. If NOW is the time of mass awakening, many will search for answers. And will go elsewhere if this site changes to practical instead of spiritual. Personally I don't expand on learning about such things as submarine encounters 30 years ago but each to their own path eh? I felt the last few days the News here was clutching at straws and not in the frequency / vibration of love usually picked up here. I also wonder if by concentrating on the Practical as stated, is narrowing All That Is, which IS everything. It is 3d thinking, using 3d brain thinking. Surely we can embrace everything, and not be suppressed to limited fields of topic. Is that not Free Will. Perhaps this is all as it is meant to be but it will be a feat pity if 1000s of members migrate to other sites at this important time. 

Love and higher citations to you all.



Cobra Update

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As usual, your own discernment…

COBRA: Monday, February 17, 2014

"MAKE THIS VIRAL! Window Of Opportunity 2014 "New Window of Opportunity of a great importance 

is about to open on the surface of this planet soon."


Galactic forces of Light are looking towards this Window of Opportunity with great excitement. The ships of the Galactic Confederation have already begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth to be able to transmit and align intense energies that will be released within this Window of Opportunity towards the planetary surface. As a consequence of my nearspace flight beyond the Veil few weeks ago and of other operations of the Light forces, large portions of the etheric Archon grid have been already removed to the point that some people are beginning to reinstate genuine telepathic contact with the Confederation and many are beginning to have profound positive spiritual experiences with t

Choice, and your Veil

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Only in recent weeks, I am now able to make some contact with higher divine beings.Last night in Meditation I received a contact from a higher presence. At the end, I was told to "Share" the mediation details with you. I was made aware it will apply to others, hence my sharing:


On closing my eyes for meditation, the energy was so strong, I I couldn't go into working with my Chakras. No way. I knew there was strong pressence. I asked if they wanted to show me anything, the answer was No. Not knowing what to do, I went into my heart centre and drew forth my divine spark that I go to in meditation. This came, and I then had a strange scene played out in front of me that I didn't enjoy.


Heart Chakra colour change?

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Hi Everyone, best wishes and love to you all.

Does anyone known whether our Heart Chakras can change colour? Mine has always been seen as green but in the past week it has changed to a white/cream/light gold colour. I try and concentrate on seeing it green but it won't change. It moves/whirls/grows as usual but won't be green as before. I don't understand.

Just for background: I seem to be going from strength to strength. It's all speeding up. The vibrations in my body are there about 70% of the day. etc etc. not experienced 'down' or sad symptoms. 

If anyone knows, I'd be grateful for any info on what is happening to my heart chakra as I can't fathom it.

Bless you all. Thank you.



Experience I hope encourages you

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Since August, I've had a lot of physical experiences - I don't channel yet, so I seem to have these experiences, but not know what they mean - then I read about similar experiences on this site - a real blessing as then I 'get it'.

I want to share last night's happening only in the hope it gives encouragement to some. I know some are finding the illusion pretty difficult at the moment with all the energy coming in and the world being in such a state (so to speak!). 

It lasted about an hour, before going to bed: In the kitchen, I was deep in my heart centre trying not to think at all, I began to FEEL, physically/mentally very very different. The best way to describe it is I FELT totally like pure energy. I wasn't my body - that felt only like a casing that housed me, I was just 'pure energy'. Not the old me. I looked outside for ages, and felt connected to everything in nature/sky etc. I couldn't see  differently, it was my 'state' that had changed. I felt my energy was connected to all the energy in my view - everything was energy, connected. The energies were pinging around from me to them, to another etc. I stress again, I did not see differently physically, but I was seeing, with my feeling/energy if that makes sense. 

Thank You

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I just wanted to express my thanks to you all. My gratitude can not be written in words. Only felt in intense degrees to you all. Please accept if you will, my sincere Heartfelt Love. Light and Love.




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