Moonbaby's blog

The Event

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The Event

The visions of The Event started when I was a small child. The dreams and visions have continued, throughout my life. The Event is why I am here. I can still recall with stunning clarity the way the sky looks: although it is night...the entire sky is alive with a multitude of dazzling, electric colors of the symbols and activity of hundreds, if not thousands of communications there.

Some are recognizable on the most basic of levels to everyone. They are calling out to us to in the physical, comforting us and reminding us that we are safe, understood and known.

Other symbols and activities reside there too, and although they are not immediately recognizable or remembered by our 3 dimensional selves, they sing to our hearts, and our higher Selves. They are familiar in the deepest sense of the word, being both ancient and of the future. We KNOW these visual signs and the communications coming from them, as they resonate with the most sacred spaces within our very Being. We recall them from someplace deep within, and know that they are present in the NOW, because we've raised our collective frequency enough to have earned our place within our Universal Family.

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