Rebecca's blog

Ego and Reflections

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In 1988, Ken Carey, author of Return of the Bird Tribes wrote:


In a healthy state, the ego is a secondary component of identity. Your ego, by nature, is a reflection. It can either be a good, sharp, clear reflection, or it can try to be an independent reflection. Yet logic shows there's no such thing as an “independent reflection.” Your ego may create such an illusion; but if you believe in it, you will be troubled and unfulfilled.


Your ego does not have to be repressed or transcended. It does not have to die. It simply has to assume an appropriate relationship with the spirit that, in truth, you are. (1988)


When we assume a proper relationship with the ego, we can go much, much further. Namely in conflict resolution as the ego is what prevents us from seeing ourselves in a balanced manner. 


Love, Light and Blessings to One and ALL 

Distortions Vs. Reality

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I recently was blessed with a lovely and insightful conversation that inspired me to go deeper and further into my perspective (

Yesterday, members Will, IndigoDream432 and I debated the validity of religion and whether or not it is deserving of respect. They maintained that religion is functionally limiting and is obsolete. I agree it is limiting and will eventually become obsolete, but not until it no longer serve its believers who have chosen it from a place of love. My new friends also maintain that religion was designed to oppress people under the guise of helping them. This is where I diverge from their shared opinion.

I don't believe religions were designed to hurt, rather I believe the vast majority of them were designed to help. The creators had honorable intentions of guidance, love and compassion and sadly, were co-opted by fearful and ego-centric individuals. These misled souls got away with their misrepresentation for so long that the face of religion became what they projected, rather than its true creative intent. Fear and ego kept the illusion going for eons, but the honor of religion lives on if you scratch the surface and take an objective look within it.

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